Rhazii's ear turned at his mother's voice. After she spoke, he gave her a worried glance punctuated with a twitch of a smile before breaking eye contact again. "I dream that it likes to tear things apart. I hope it is nicer than that." "You'll be surprised how much you and your beast spirit will begin to think alike once you get to know it." Fendros stepped to keep on setting up the tent, but stopped to look at the approaching pack. He grinned and waved at them all. "Hello!" His eyes even lit up some surprise. "Nice of you to join us, Meesei! Are you hunting tonight?" While Rhazii was still nervous, he managed a smile for the pack. "Hello," he echoed is father. Eleven year-old Kaj-Julan got his own greeting as usual, though Rhazii's emotional state dampened his tone. "Greetings, Snake Butt." Kaj had his own arsenal of teasing names for Rhazii. It was unclear when the exchange of teasing started or who shot first, but it echoed through Kaj-Julan and Rhazii's ongoing mix of sibling love and rivalry.