[@December][@Kyrisse][@rumikoohara][@poohead189][@king tai][@kurai assassin][@funnyguy] Okay and thank you. It's been difficult to keep everyone moving forward since it is still apparently day 6. lol It's been a long day! Ha ha. We seem to have lost funnyguy unless he told one of you something he forgot to tell me. I would like the plot to move forwards at a quicker pace. They are supposed to be working towards finding their way outside the bunker and surviving in the surrounding areas and trying to put their world back together as much as they can. They must overcome the new tribes of people and the animals as well as the differences between them. They need to learn to live without technology and learn to live off of the land. I would like there to be friction between some of the characters. There is friction between Cody and Ben. YAY! That will lead to some interesting places. If Mikey is still around then there will be friction between him and Harley and Grayson. Make it interesting enough to want to come back to. If funny guy is indeed gone then have Trinity come back and have her super pissed off at him for ditching her or something. I want this to keep going. It's supposed to be similar in basic story to the 100.