[quote=@SleepingSilence] [@Garattee] Well it's funny. I probably wouldn't rate my music too much higher, but to be fair on the game, the soundtrack is pretty good. The only real strong point is the vocals, though I appreciate good vocalists in video game sound tracks, because they're often misused and around 1:30 it picks up a bit for me. [/quote] Right well, the function of this thread is to rate the music that's posted above you, not to try and defend the music that you've posted from low/mediocre scores. Keep that in mind because it discourages people to be honest about how they feel about the song if they feel like they are going to be challenged if they say something critical. If you want to comment more on your own music, i think that can be done in the 'what are you listening to' Thread. [@Cpt Toellner] Yes indeed please rate the song above you out of 10, edit it in to your post if you will. As for your track. I really like powerful rise of the instrumentation, and the vocals/chants are well done. It definitely has a lot character to it, which is tough when a lot of VGM is trying to sound 'epic'. I do wish there was more variation with the melody or some sort of breakdown though, but for the length of the song, its not too much of a big deal. 7.8/10 [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYW7-hNXZlM[/youtube]