[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5skeU8f.png[/img] [h3][color=CEF2FE]Reothadh[/color][/h3][/center] When Burning Blossom finally lost her balance and fell from the wall, Reothadh couldn’t help but laugh. It was always satisfying to see such a confident enemy lose their snark when they started tripping over themselves. The sudden expression change as the once high and mighty can’t even walk straight is more than enough to put a smile on one’s face. However, he had to give her props for somehow surviving the fall with such low defense. [color=CEF2FE]”You’ve put up a good fight, lass. But it’s time I extinguish your fla-”[/color] A bolt of lightning from the downed mage cut the warrior off as he watched it fly past him and strike the side of the wall. His first instinct as he saw the wall coming down was to run, but a quick glance at his partner made him realize the real danger. Tiger was still stunned. If he ran she would die and he couldn’t win this fight alone. Without a second thought he dove onto Golden Tiger in an attempt to shield her from the debris. Hopefully his armor would be enough to protect them both. When the last bit of rubble had fallen, the brief pause in action was broken by the frozen knight breaching the surface and emerging from the rubble and pulling Golden Tiger out with him. Between that and the earlier lightning, Reothadh’s health was now in the critical red. A sneeze from the enemy could fall him. To make matters worse, Burning Blossom was nowhere in sight. Either she fled the scene, or was somewhere waiting in ambush. [color=CEF2FE]”Well, this fight has certainly taken it’s turns.”[/color] He said to Tiger assuming she was still kicking. [color=CEF2FE]”Don’t suppose you have any healing items on you?”[/color] [@KoL]