"Hey, mangy-giant." Julan responded. It was not the first time that he had been present for one of their hunts, but this would be the first time that Julan had been present for a hunt during the full moons. He was not yet old enough to transform himself, but he had always known that there was something different about the full moons. For young lycans, they almost always caused nightmares until the point where they could transform. "You think you're going to transform tonight? It won't be too long before I transform too. Mamma says I'm going to be a big crocodile like her; then I'll finally be bigger and stronger than you, since you're just a werewolf. You'll be a big, uh, cat-dog." On the other side of the hunting camp, Lorag gave a brief, amused grunt. Meesei nodded to Fendros. "Yes, I shall be joining you. Kaleeth and Janius want Julan to see a full moon hunt himself before his first transformation. It could be more difficult for him to adjust, being that he is not a pack animal, so they wish to be prepared. I can keep a better eye on him to make sure he stays out of trouble. And, it has been quite a long time since I have hunted myself."