(OOC: This continues my previous post, which was abbreviated due to this nasty habit of my boss to want me to be at work on time.) Paul turned and gestured Sophie toward the nearest of the two sets of stairs ascending to the Inn's rooms. He still hadn't decided whether she was a simple whore, a horny peasant, or a well shaped assassin; so he wasn't about to put his back to her quite yet. Watching her ascend the case before him caused Paul's already attentive cock to only become more so, and by the time they'd reached the door of his room, he was very near hard as a rock. She waited for him to use the skeleton key upon the heavy oak barrier, then -- again with his polite, protective gesture for her to go first -- headed inside. He had barely closed the door behind him before Paul snatched Sophie by the elbow, spun her to face him, and moved her firmly backward. Oh, he wasn't brutal about it, but he did pin her firmly against the wall as he grasped both wrists and pulled them around to the small of her back. "Where is it?" he asked expectantly. As he pulled both of her wrists into one powerful hand behind her, he began searching her body, clarifying, "Where's the knife...? Or ... do you fancy poison?"