[h2]Konpaku Youmu[/h2] A woman in heavy clothing had approached as well, and introduced herself as Mei-ling Zhou. In most cases Youmu would have bowed politely and introduced herself as well, but this was hardly what could be referred to as 'most cases'. Indeed, moments after she had realized she might want to perform some sort of introduction herself, the swirly-head man finally revealed why he had brought everyone here. It was a long and fairly involved explanation, but to the silvery-haired girl's surprise it was revealed that there were alternate worlds, other universes with a host of differences within them. This was a lot of information to absorb, but it did explain the enormous variety in the people around her. Many of them hardly looked like the kind of people she would expect even from the outside world. But that wasn't the end of it, not at all. It was also apparent that some of the people working for this Agency the man described had gone rogue, or something of that nature, and were seemingly intent on causing chaos across multiple realities. Now the half-phantom gardener understood why they had been called here, and why he did not seem quick to return them. Youmu nodded to herself, quietly. Yes, this too, then, would be in service of Yuyuko-sama. Clasping her hands in front of her, Youmu bowed. Not to introduce herself to the man, as he already knew of her, but to introduce herself to everyone else. "I am Konpaku Youmu," she began, her phantom half following her motions as she straightened. "I hope we can all work together. I will not fail." [hr] [h2]Rem[/h2] As the man with the vortex head spoke, Rem lowered her flail more and more. There were... multiple realities? Not only were there multiple realities, but there was a threat to all of these universes in the form of these agents? It was almost too overwhelming for the blue-haired girl to comprehend, and for a few moments she sat in silence trying to get her thoughts together. But, there were a few matters that stuck out to her in the conversation. That lay in the threat that these agents posed. It was a threat to entire universes, to the people in them. It was on a scale that was difficult to understand, but what Rem could understand was that it posed a threat to the people that she cared most about. As much as she wanted to return, so that she could be close to Subaru, to be able to ensure her both him and her sister were safe, this, too, would be for their protection. After some hesitation, Rem finally put away her flail. The maid quietly bowed her head, as well, her feet shuffling slightly. In truth, she was worried. Worried about how things were turning out back home, for Subaru and her sister. She was worried about a great many things. This new information had only grown her list of worries. What would happen? And... it was hard to deny the appeal of that wish... So caught up in her concerns was Rem that she did not directly state that she would work to stop these agents. However, the way her ball and chain had vanished may have made things clear.