Joe released a drawn-out sigh of relief as he saw the door being blasted open by what he assumed to be a shotgun shell, judging by the distinct sound before the breach. He had no time to rejoice, however, as it had been made clear beforehand that these folks, (even that one short four-eyed guy who was hiding behind his liberator) weren't exactly of the altruistic sort. After responding with a confused scoff to the android, since he wasn't particularly familiar with (or fond of) artificial intelligences, he turned towards the armored soldier of fortune or whatever the hell he was. "Yeah, yeah. My gear's two doors to the left, be a lamb and blow that open for me too." He motioned with his thumb. Before he could even begin moving towards said storage room, however, another yet unknown party's voice blared through some sort of intercom system. And then, while the apparent commander of the bunch addressed Gore, it hit him. His release and the firefight's end had given him the time needed to actually process what was going on with a relatively clear head. And so, Joe's expression shifted from neutral to that of a profound 'what the flying fuck', and the grim realization took hold. "You numbskulled sons a'bitches are about to actually try and blow up a planet cracker bigger than an FT-68 variant. Hope your explosives are timed well, and your ship's fast, because if we're anywhere near that thing when it goes kablooey, I can guarantee that we'll all be turned into cosmic confetti." The mechanic rubbed the back of his neck, and slowly moved his head to the side, producing a series of audible cracks. A desperate smirk slowly creeped into his face. "That being said, let's get rolling." [sub][@Crossfire][@Tickout][/sub]