Shirou turned his head towards the woman that spoke to him, introducing herself as Yoko. He gave a polite smile and returned the introduction, "Hi. Emiya Shirou." Before they could converse further, the swirl-headed thing finally began explaining the reason for bringing them all together. He listened with a serious expression. So in short, they had all been gathered to take out rogue agents of this IDEC thing. Said Agents were highly dangerous and looking to mess with the entire multiverse just because. On a scale of 1 to Grail War, this was edging dangerously close to an 11. Now... should he choose to trust this guy's words? What reason could Swirl have to lie about anything? He couldn't think of a particularly nefarious reason behind his actions, so perhaps he was genuine in his intent. And even if there was... Shirou couldn't just ignore the part where an entire multiverse worth of innocent people were in danger. He was going to have to do his part to save as many people as possible. No, scratch that, save [i]everyone[/i]. "...All right, I'll help," Shirou answered, making a mental note to collect as many exotic recipes as possible. He'd need to make a lot of apology meals to Saber once this was over.