[@dabombjk] One of the first to arrive, was an asari - matching the description in the dossier. She had a finely-made asari weapon strapped to her hip and a large bag strapped to her back - as she kept typing something on her omnitool. Zeral' recruitment had been 'sudden' to say the least - the the matron had been on the Citadel, to fetch some supplies for a trip to a rather toxic planet, namely a place where she believed another part of the 'clue' was hidden. Her journey, that had initially started three centuries ago to find her lost sister, had devolved into a dive into the deepest waters in the Galaxy. During that time another new race had even been discovered with their own unique culture and out-look on life - called humans. Despite that initial surprise, Zeral had resumed her quest. She recalled how long ago, when she had been a young maiden - and she started her search, Zeral had expected to find pirates or slavers had taken her eldest sestra. Then as she continued on, she maybe thought that maybe she would uncover some secret Spectre or Council facility - for 'special' prisoners. Nothing of the like, instead - as she continued to journey across the Terminus and Attican Traverse, Zeral continued to find 'signs'. Strange buildings, strange artifacts and strange carvings on stone walls. Some of the buildings were older than the pre-dated Prothean Empire. Some artifacts were unable to be carbon-dated since they seemed too 'ancient'. Zeral even got the chance to visit old Prothean sites and compare notes to her previous findings - and slowly, she started to believe - that modern galactic history might be completely wrong. She tried posting her findings and knowledge upon the extranet - but usually some older matriarch or more intelligent salarian would de-bunk her theories; proving them false or impossible to exist. It was true, Zeral didn't know much. She was a simple kid from Thessia, who had a Lunar' Degree in Cultural Antrophology. But that part of her, screamed that something was wrong. The cultures, and objects - they seemed to originate from a species BEFORE the Protheans. And some even before them - all of them suddenly gone, yet their items intact and forgotten. And surprisingly - while she had a large amount of people denying her beliefs. There had been this 'strange benefactor' whom had engaged in debates with her on the extranet. Including a few times, a vid-call - albeit, having their face and background shrouded in darkness. The figure, even was willing to buy from her - top credit, those strange artifacts that many other scholars had declared worthless. And now, that 'strange benefactor' had sent an agent. Zeral almost felt, she had indeed stumbled upon some mysterious Galactic conspiracy but instead - was a contact of THE Shadow Broker, whom revealed his/her/it's role in her quest. Namely they required a person, with a special kind of knowledge. Namely a knowledge of the unknown and strange - as such, Zeral found herself handed a location to gather upon, for her new task. She soon arrived at the ship and spotted a human. "Hello? Am I supposed to meet you? My name is Zeral T'Amani. A pleasure to meet you," she spoke, in her calm and crisp voice dialect. Offering her hand for him to shake, as she recalled it was a human custom, when one greeted another.