[b] Natsume Yuki Dew Islet [/b] The boy introduced his sword as well as him self. Thankfully not in that order. But she only nodded in return at first. She probably should say something back [b]"nice to meet uh...both of you" [/b] well that probably sounded worse than it did in her head. It had to be obvious that she wasn't a social butterfly in the slightest. So far he seemed...safe, is the word that works best. less likely to throw her to a pack of wolves or stab her in her sleep was a better way of putting it but she would stick with safe. Everything fell into an awkward silence for a moment. She couldn't hear or sense anyone else coming so it seemed to just be the two of them for now. she glanced over the mist again. [b] "im not....good with people" [/b] she confessed apologetically without actually apologizing. For a second she thought that maybe she was wrong. That maybe there was someone in the world that would accept her. But she remembered all the types of hell she had already been through hoping for such childish things and started thinking about something else.