[hr][hr][center][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/d0dd/f/2017/050/b/4/shadestep_name_by_adparis-dazmv8g.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Interactions[/b]: [i][@1Hawkeyes], [@Vashonn][/i] || [i][color=silver]Hawkpaw, Torncoat/Rosepaw[/color][/i][/center][hr][hr][indent] [color=ee1511][b]"Y-you better watch yourselves! This is AshTribe territory, ya see, 'n we don't like WaveTribe cats putting their dirty paws on it!"[/b][/color] Shadestep looked over the young cat - definitely an apprentice. Judging by the blue ginger underneath her, possibly a Shaman's apprentice. She eyed the blue ginger for a long few seconds - the black she-cat had heard that Wolfmask needed some earlier that day, and while she had no [i]initial[/i] intent to take it from the apprentice in front of her, a quick glance around revealed that either Rosepaw had picked Mossy Stones clean of blue ginger, or, due to the season, it was growing less. Either way, Shadestep saw a negotiation tactic, and it would hopefully prevent a fight. [i]Hopefully.[/i] The black she-cat glanced to Hawkpaw before looking back to the rival apprentice, voice calm and clear, [b][color=e6ac00]"Moons upon moons of WaveTribe victory in this area says otherwise,"[/color][/b] Shadestep sat down, tail curling around her paws as she continued, [b][color=e6ac00]"so that blue ginger you have there is part of [i]WaveTribe[/i] territory."[/color][/b] Despite her cool tone and demeanor, she didn't sound confrontational - attempting to persuade, maybe, but not like she wanted a fight. Even with that, the tip of her tail twitched slightly. Whether it was from a budding sense of unease or from the adrenaline beginning to prepare her for a fight situation she couldn't tell. Shadestep tilted her head slightly, then purred, [b][color=e6ac00]"If you go ahead and give up the blue ginger and leave, that'll be it. No fuss, no fight."[/color][/b] While Shadestep was in no way a [i]pacifist[/i] - she knew when to unsheathe her claws and bare her teeth - this was not worth shedding blood over. Not [i]yet[/i], at least. [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/826b/f/2017/050/6/5/rootfur_name_by_adparis-daznkse.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Interactions[/b]: [i][@1Hawkeyes], [@Vashonn][/i] || [i][color=silver]Hawkpaw, Torncoat/Rosepaw[/color][/i][/center][hr][hr][indent] Rootfur wasn't sure if he could really believe what he was seeing, so he craned his neck over the rock to get a bit of a better look at the scene below. From the looks of it, Shadestep and Hawkpaw were [i]sitting down[/i] and trying to negotiate a compromise. They both looked completely, [i]utterly[/i] calm and their guard was [i]nonexistent[/i] from what he could tell. [color=809c43][i]Is she [b]bird-brained?[/b][/i][/color] Rootfur couldn't keep the grimace from his face. Sure, he didn't particularly like fighting either, but there was no way he'd [i]dare[/i] make himself vulnerable in the same way Shadestep was. Sitting down, unready for the possibility of a scuffle. The brown tom kneaded his claws on the mossy rock under his paws, mostly to keep himself from pouncing the small AshTribe cat to fight for WaveTribe territory. He sighed a bit loudly, tail twitching feverishly and tensing his back legs to spring into action. [/indent]