Julan stood with his arms crossed, and a bit of a grin. "Hmm, biting a gland doesn't sound fun. It must be real scary to have to worry about poison like that." He commented, with no small measure of smugness in his tone. Kaleeth too adopted a similar stance as Julan, though her satisfaction was coming from the fact that she was going to be knocking down his pride a peg or two. After all, she did not want her son being too boastful. She did not see it as a good trait. "Chaurus venom burns as well as poisons, remember Julan? It would hurt you almost as much as it would Rhazii." "I can heal anyone that may get burned, but that will not stop it from hurting, so you would be wise to be cautious." Meesei added. Briefly, she looked up, though there was no sky for her to see. Even so, she, and the rest of the pack, could feel that the moons were getting close to the horizon. Even as far underground as they were, the influence of the moons could be felt as clear as if they were on the surface. They had some minutes yet, but it would not be too long before their transformations were upon them. "I hope we are able to find prey in good time. I likely should be rested for tomorrow." Meesei continued, though her expression certainly soured with her last comment. It was clear that she was referring to her impending duel with her challenger. It was an event that she had made clear to her pack she did not enjoy. They did not necessarily have to end in death, but they were dangerous regardless.