"Yeah, shut up, Julan!" Rhazii added. "Besides, I just want to keep the glands so that I can sell them to aunt Sabine later!" "They haven't backed down, huh?" Janius said. "It's a pain, but hey, perhaps they left thinking you were still in bad shape. Maybe they will give up once you show them what you've got." "The moons," Sabine piped up from outside of the circle. The words were enough for everyone to start moving. Fendros casually pulled off his tunic and folded it aside while speaking to Rhazii. "Right, it's almost time, son. Get undressed unless you want to repair them after you transform." Rhazii's eyes widened. "Oh, right, um..." He quickly began to remove his clothing and throw them into the tent. By the way he rushed and fussed at his laces, it seemed that his briefly distracted nervousness was playing up again. He finished stripping down and found that he was the first to be ready. His toes and tail began flexing against the dirt in anticipation. "Got any more questions, Rhazii?" Fendros asked as they took up positions away from the tent. "Yes...I think..." Rhazii looked blank. He blinked. "Actually, I don't know. I...no..." "Alright, I'll transform in advance. Remember, it'll sting, but don't resist it. Just let the beast spirit out and then follow our lead, okay?" Rhazii nodded firmly. As Fendros shifted into his werewolf form, Rhazii gave a fleeting glance at Ahnasha, and then back at Julan. His ears were flat and his fear had crept up onto his face, tensing his cheeks and jaw. It was only getting worse as they neared time.