Meesei sighed. "I hope so. These duels are nasty business. Risky, in more ways than one. She's a talented battlemage from the Daggerfall clan. She leads their warriors, and has the capacity to train both their soldiers and mages alike. I am going to do all that I can to avoid killing her tomorrow. From what I have heard, she has been a wonderful asset to her clan and I would hate to lose her. These duels, they put the best of us in grave peril, but they are central to our identity as worshipers of Hircine. I just wish they were not necessary. We cannot afford to lose such good people." Once everyone was ready, the majority of the pack began their transformations ahead of time, as even with how experienced they were, it was somewhat more unpleasant to be forced into a transformation. At least by a small margin. Apart from Meesei, who was going to remain in her Argonian form until after Rhazii had completed his transformation, Ahnasha was the last to hold off from transforming. Walking up to Rhazii, she grabbed one of his hands in hers. "Don't worry, there's nothing that can go wrong. Not once has a tranformation done any real harm to a lycan. You're about to feel what it is like to be one of the most powerful hunters in Tamriel. The descriptions you've heard really don't do it justice. Don't be afraid, be excited. Soon enough, Ahnasha had to leg to of Rhazii's hands to begin her own transformation, as above ground, the moons had finally crested over the horizon. All across Skyrim, and every part of Tamriel to the south of it, every lycan would feel their pull. Ahnasha started her transformation on her own, but it would only be seconds later that Rhazii would feel his beast spirit pulling on him like never before.