[color=orange]"She did what!?"[/color] asked Rolo. Taken aback by the rather ludicrous story he just heard. [color=turquoise]"Yeah big guy! She totally did!"[/color] confirmed Divo. Their reactions were exactly what he anticipated, priceless. [color=violet]"I got a place for her to sleep!"[/color] intoned Switch. He issued another one of his loud, barking hyena laughs. [color=orange]"Can it ya wimpy perv! I really like this one!"[/color] reprimanded Rolo. Ever since they first met outside the club house, he couldn't stop thinking about her. [color=lime]"What are you fools yammering about this time?"[/color] asked Chet. Despite being leader of the Salt Bay Turbos, he wasn't above fraternising with his underlings. Truth be told, he didn't consider them underlings at all. To him, they were more like close friends. [color=orange]"Oh uhh it's just uhh."[/color] stammered Rolo. He wasn't terribly quick on his feet when it came to improvisation. When it came to fried cheese though, that was another story. [color=violet]"We was just talkin about those "choc raisin cookies" that the big guy likes so much."[/color] answered Switch. He could barely stifle a giggle. Chet let out a very loud and boisterous laugh. [color=lime]"Oh yeah, the cookies. Never seen you so excited about em before big guy."[/color] observed Chet. [color=orange]"It's just that I, I really like this one boss."[/color] answered Rolo. The colour rose in his cheeks. [color=lime]"For your sake Rolo. I hope she's wild enough to party with us."[/color] counselled Chet. He gave Rolo a pat on the back. [color=turquoise]"No need to worry about that boss. She's one wild cat."[/color] intoned Divo. [color=lime]"Oh really?[/color] Chet asked, clearly intrigued. [color=lime]"Can't wait to meet her this Saturday big guy."[/color] he continued. [color=orange]"Sure thing boss. Imma introduce you two. I think you're gonna like her."[/color] answered Rolo. [color=lime]"Good man. I'm gonna go check on the rest of the crew. Good talk fellas."[/color] said Chet. He patted Rolo on the back once more before leaving the trio. [color=orange]"You to boss."[/color] answered Rolo. [color=violet]"Yeah, it was cool."[/color] said Switch. [color=turquoise]"Solid."[/color] said Divo. As soon as Chet left the trio both Switch and Divo burst out in a bout of loud and raucous laughter. The rest of the crew looked over in their direction, clearly amused. Rolo blushed much more noticeably than ever before. Chet just smiled to himself. [color=violet]"I, I just really like this one boss."[/color] said Switch. His imitation of Rolo was, once again, met with a few giggles. [color=turquoise]"Choc raisin cookies."[/color] said Divo. Switch and Divo began to laugh even harder. Some of the other Turbos joined in. Roll started to look very angry. He was even clenching his fists. For anyone that knew Rolo, that was a very bad sign. [color=violet]"Before you get mad big guy. Just remember, you owe us for saving your butt in front of mean little lord fancy pants."[/color] reminded Switch. [color=turquoise]"Yeah, and we did a bitchin job of it to."[/color] stated Divo. [color=orange]"I ain't scared of that pompous little square!"[/color] yelled Rolo. His temper was clearly rising. [color=lime]"None of us are Rolo![/color] Chet called out from the other side of crews hangout spot. He dropped his cigarette onto the ground before stepping on it with his boot, burying it into the sand. [color=lime]"He's gonna regret the day he messed with us![/color] announced Chet. The roar of their cheer could be heard by passers by who were walking on the boardwalk above them. The clear blue skies smiled down upon the defiance of the Salt Bay Turbos that day.