[center]Vivian[/center] Vivian brought her glass down and looked to the dwarf. The foolish drunk did not know what she was talking about. She was about the voice her response to her little claims but felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Alwxander shaking his head. He then turned to the dwarf and glared at her. [color=0072bc]"Quiet your tongue dwarf, you speak of matters you don't comprehend. I would appreciate it if you did not talk ill of the very comrad that kept alive through our last encounter. The bard helped out a lot but if it where not for her getting in the way of my enemy there would not have been left for Veridis to save."[/color] He responded. The dwarf would never understand what it was like to be hunted by your own kin. He had every nerve to get up and punch the dwarf in the face. However, his resolve kept him from doing so. Vivian looked to Alexander and then to the dwarf then back to Alexander. [color=92278f]"Don't bother yourself Alex, I was just about to retire to my room anyways."[/color] She said as she rose from her seat. She did not enjoy the company of this dwarf. She looked to Elleonora and smirked. [color=92278f]"Oh but sharing your bed would be rather inviting."[/color] She said teasingly. She did like the idea of a little company. Who ever it was,... even if it was Parum. She could loosen the stress and tell the who her visitor was. Parum most certainly could use the information. If only Parum knew drow sign language. She sighed and began her trek up the steps and into her room. Fordes, Alexander's dire wolf, still asleep. She smiled as she moved to the bed. Her scythe still in it's spot. She smiled and removed the necklace and transformed back into the drow. She then reached over and unhooked the strap that kept her rather revealing clothing from falling to the floor. To which they did as soon as it wasn't holding them in place. She was completely naked. She climbed into the bed and proceeded to fall into the long awaited sleep..... ....Alexander watched as Vivian climbed the steps the thought of sleep began to creep over him and he recalled Elleonara's suggestion for them to share rooms. He rose a brow noticing that most of the party was female and there were only three males. Meaning someone was partnering with a female and well... That might be awkward. Especially if the certain female slept naked. He sighed and figured he would just go to his room. It was best to not think of it for too long. He rose up and finished his mead and looked to Elleonara and the others. [color=0072bc]"I think I will also crash for the night. I want to be ready for the Gnolls at the temple as well as any others that might not want to share."[/color]