[@Blight Bug] [@KOgaming] Tekkan waved frantically at Fyodor as The Phantom Duelist of Saotome drove closer to the action. "Hey, Leader!" the white-haired youth called out to the devil's disciple. "Kick his ass good, you hear?!" The neophyte began chanting as he had with Fyodor earlier, hoping to raise morale. "[b]HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN! HAIL SATAN![/b]" Tekkan didn't know exactly who The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell was facing, but he had a hunch that he was on the run from the law. So Fyodor could use all the support he could get. He also took this opportunity to quickly shift his deck around a little. Igknight Reload was useless every time he drew into it, so he opted to swap it out for Pot of Riches. Tekkan had no need for 2 Wind-Up Zenmaines since he almost never used his Level 3 Igknights for anything outside of setting up scales, so he took a copy out and replaced it with Blade Armor Ninja. 2 Castel was also a bit overkill, so he switched one of the copies out for Heroic Champion - Excalibur. It would come in handy if there were ever something that he couldn't remove with a card effect and needed to destroy the old-fashioned way.