[@Polaris North][@ArenaSnow] Thank you for the welcomes! ^_^ [@WildCard] Thank you for the welcome and in regards to table-top and LARP, they are both a lot of fun! I was extremely nervous at first; truth be told I only joined LARP because I fancied one of the guys who ran the sessions ;) After getting past the weird looks I got for dressing up as fantasy characters, or jogging around with nerf guns, it was really enjoyable and way more immersive than I first thought! I never had any problems with table-top but LARP I had troubles when I became an exec member because a lot of people turned out to be very petty and took the game too seriously. It was dealing with squabbles for hours on end in my free time that put me off LARP, but the hobby as a whole is great fun! Just don't do it every week like I did :P (It was a university LARP society of about 30 people. Would you believe out of 30 people we only ever got 5 people who volunteered to monster at the sessions -_-)