[@Saltwater Thief] I understand where you're coming from. I suppose that's reasonable enough. I don't think I would want to follow any plot of any show exactly I would prefer to make my own version, because most exact plots of shows don't convert well to role-plays if they're not edited in some way. I guess I'm a little too used to D&D where most of the time I'm expected to die eventually, or to lose a fight or two, despite any possible effort I could put into it. Because like real life sometimes effort isn't enough. And I think in a magical girl RP, if there was some kind of big threat I think some of the role-playing could come from picking your battles. But I suppose I agree to the extent of not pulling stuff like this out of thin air and to warn everyone ahead of time that stuff like this will happen, so they are prepared for it. I know most people would rather win than lose, but I prefer wrenches being thrown if I'm in any roleplay with some kind of combat. Because I don't want to feel like there is no reward/challenge/risk for my effort. (sorry for the wall of text using phone to type this.)