[@Eklispe][@manapool1][@Satoshi Kyou] Martin shook his head and raised his hand right before Kali Yuga landed its attack. It was clear that Martin did not want to do such a thing to his own monster. A card flipped face up on his field, and revealed was the trap card "Chaos Burst". Of course, even if Lua knew to use Kali Yuga's effect, it could not negate a card that had already been activated, especially because Chaos Burst was not a continuous trap but a normal trap. D.D. Scout Plane disappeared, tributed for the effect of Chaos Burst as Kali Yuga was destroyed before them. Then, Lua took an additional 1000 points of damage. "Trap Card activates! Madolche Tea Break, I won't let you do that during a tea break" a voice called out. The trap card fizzled, Kali-Yuga remaining exactly where it was. With the next turn, Martin had lost his Necroface, and looked even more despirited, but with as many lifepoints as he had, did not have much to worry about. His next turn came and Martin drew his next card. Thanks to the effect of Snatch Steal, he gained another 1000 points of life until Dark Contract with the Gate knocked him back down. "D-Draw..." Martin had three powerful monsters on the field but for the time being, he was still somewhat outnumbered. The girl had one set spell or trap, the boy had one, and the other boy had two. Regardless, Martin was ready with Cursed King Siegfried to take care of any immediate issues unless they all had a plan to actually work together somehow. "I'll activate the effect of Dark Contract with the Gate..." he stated, adding yet another card to his hand, D/D Savant Copernicus. "Next, I'll activate the effect of D/D Savant Newton, which allows me to discard it and add another D/D or Dark Contract card from my grave to my hand. I choose D/D Savant Thomas! Next, with D/D Savant Thomas, I'll set the Pendulum Scale. Thomas's pendulum effect activates, allowing my to add one D/D Pendulum monster from my extra deck to my hand, and I'll choose D/D Savant Kepler, which I will use to once again set the pendulum scale. Now! Scale 6 D/D Savant Thomas and Scale 10 D/D Savant Kepler! Pendulum Summon! My two D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok are revived from the extra deck!" Martin performed another strong turn. "Enter battle" he declared. "First! Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok! Attack! Now! Since an attack was declared with it involved, his effect activates! I can target one other D/D or Dark Contract card on the field and return it to the hand! Next, I can target 1 face-up card one of you control and equip it to him! I'll return D/D Savant Kepler to my hand, and with it, I'll attach Madolche Messengelato! Because the state of the board changed before the battle commenced, I can redo the battle. Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok, attack Rumi's facedown monster!" Caesar Ragnarok grabbed Hootcake from the girl's side of the field, then proceeded to use it to beat down her facedown card using her own monster as a bludgeon. "Next! Abyss Ragnarok! Attack Sand Gambler! Gust King Alexander, attack Lua's facedown monster!" --- With Gust King Alexander's attack and Cyber Jar's effect, everything was destroyed. All of Martin's monsters as well as all those of his opponents. After which, five cards were revealed. D.D. Sprite, D/D Orthros, Dark Contract with the Swamp King, D.D.M. Different Dimension Master, and D.D Trap Hole. Due to the effect of Cyber Jar, D.D. Sprite and D/D Orthros could be special summoned, both in defense mode, however D.D.M. could not be, its level being far too high. "Darn. I'll end this battle. Enter main phase 2. I'll play Dark Contract with the Swamp King. With it, I'll remove from play D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali-Yuga and D/D Savant Thomas in order to Fusion Summon D/D/D Oracle King D'arc! Next, I'll tribute D.D. Sprite in order to normal summon D.D.M. Different Dimension Master! With his effect, I'll discard D.D. Designator and special summon Duo-Dawn King Kali-Yuga from my banish zone! Turn end!" [hider]MARTIN LP: 400500 HAND: 4 (1 is Kepler, 1 is D.D.M., 1 is possibly D.D. Trap Hole) (Thomas 6) DARC - KALI YUGA - D.D.M. - ORTHROS - NONE NONE - NONE - GATE - NONE - NONE Graveyard: Gold Sarcophagus, Emergency Provisions, Chaos Zone, D/D Berfomet, Soul Absorption, Trade-In, Pot of Desires, Trap Stun, Allure of Darkness, D/D/D Wave King Caesar, Forbidden Dark Contract with the Swamp King, D/D/D Flame King Genghis, Necroface, Chaos Burst, D.D. Scout Plane, D/D/D Gust King Alexander, D/D/D Cursed King Siegfried, D/D/D Wave Oblivion King Caesar Ragnarok, D/D/D Doom King Armageddon, D.D. Sprite, D.D. Designator | Banished: Mathemetician, Pot of Desires, D.D. Survivor, Dimension Barrier, D.D. Trainer, D/D Swirl Slime, D/D Savant Thomas, D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali-Yuga, 10 cards face-down | ED: D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok, D/D/D Oblivion King Abyss Ragnarok (8+2) Deck: 19 [/hider] [@GarlandDaHero][@Blight Bug] With the advent of his next turn, the law enforcement agent had a total of eight speed counters and was well on his way to getting to the maximum. However, he seemed to have once again drawn poorly. Marshalling himself, the officer slapped a card down from his hand, one of his miniature Japanese Kabuki law enforcers disappearing, a steel dragon appearing from his hand. It was Handcuffs Dragon, ready to bring the law. The police man nodded, then pointed at Fyodor's Dragon, intent on destroyed it.