[@JBRam2002] [img]http://static.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/f048ff0e-3d44-11e5-b8b6-17c3d218b17a-1020x749.jpg[/img] On second thought, that angle works perfectly for the farm thing. Maybe take out the crane though. Is there a way to make some of the outer buildings look damaged and worn? Maybe dampen the lighting a little bit. I thought maybe the edge of the pink forcefield dome would be bigger than that, but maybe the edge of it could be visible on that horizon. What do you think? The sky would probably have to be like VAGUELY pinkish. I don't know why the forcefield in my head has to be pink. That's an artist's call, and I'll change the forcefield to be whatever color is easiest.