[@GarlandDaHero] Aawww, don't necessarily feel like making it plot and just getting at a gift shop? Instead of say, Iunno I am just gonna throw out a random plot line deal here (feel free to roll with this hypothetical or not it is mostly here as a demonstrative purpose), stealing the Speed Demon card from a seedy nightclub ran by Yakuza, [Don't ask why the Yakuza are making a night club near rice paddies.] in order to show off he is willing to be even riskier than initially assumed for Fyodor? Plot hooks are fun or can be fun. Imagine the shenanigans. [@KOgaming] Speaking of plot bits, I should discuss the Cult [in progress] of The Ghoulish Rider - Traveler of the Highway of Hell with you. Probably alongside the mysterious, enigmatic guise behind the black motorcycle leathers...