[@TwelveOf8] I think I prefer the world having some sort of radiation, disease or genetic catastrophe that caused human beings born thereafter to develop a new form of arthritis since birth. Not everyone needs to have a stunted ability to learn in order to blindly follow along with what the Progenitors tell them. I feel like what you're proposing is akin to Aldous Huxley's societal tier system in Brave New World, where society was divided according into intelligence: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Epsilon (Alphas being the smartest, Epsilons and Deltas being borderline retarded, not to mention mute, only capable of menial tasks). Is that what you're indeed proposing? That everybody's level of intelligence is at the level of a delta, gamma, or beta? Considering how many people in today's world are misled by politicians, advertisements and the like, I don't find it too much of a stretch that "normal" people like you and me could potentially have our wills subverted by a group like the Progenitors (especially if there was some sort of catastrophe that, for example, released the Howlers into the world and completely removed lungs from the human body). People like to believe what's right in front of them. The masses are the sheep and the Progenitors are the lions that benevolently keep them safe from atop Pride Rock. Lion King reference notwithstanding, the sheep don't need to be stupid, they just need to believe.