Rhazii ducked his head and flattened his ears at Meesei's shout, glancing back, but the scream of the wispmother made him yelp and stagger back away from it. The mist jetting from his nostrils told of the panic that overtook him. His mind blanked of any reasonable thought except the options to any cornered creature; to run, to stay still, or to fight. His beast spirit was close enough to lash out. Rhazii fought. Unfortunately, Rhazii's beast spirit was not an experienced warrior. The magical wave was not regarded until his skin seethed with white flecks of instantly frozen dew just as he threw his clawed hand forward and his limbs lost all energy. He struggled to stand up, growling and yelping in pain and terrified anger. He managed to find the energy to look up at the wispmother just in time for it to be engulfed by a speeding black shape that growled and bit down on what essence of it was corporeal. The wake of air that passed held the scent of his father. Fendros had broken into a sprint as soon as he had heard the screech. He had hunted in Skyrim for long enough to know what a wispmother sounded like and he was the first to leap on it to tear it asunder. His hands and teeth were getting numb with every attack at the wispmother's ectoplasm, but each attack brought it further to losing its grip on mundus. Rhazii's beast spirit opted to be still.