[center] [img]http://fotos.fotoflexer.com/4ed3580eb058d9a3b98491f47affffce.jpg[/img] [hr] [indent][i]After the Ten-year war. After the Hyst Protest, and the dogma of new religious orders. It was Thought nothing could repair our broken world. Introducing Valestia; A company made to reclaim and fix the world one city at a time. This pamphlet is the first of its kind. Meant to give new hope to those who live without the simplest privileges. [/i][/indent] [indent][i]The companies origin is unknown, Valestia bought its first building during the Hyst protest and soon started buying the surrounding area. Valestia is controlled by an observant and highly intelligent AI named Dawn. Her objectives are set on providing a meaningful and healthy life to all humans under her careful watch. As long as you follow the laws and protocols set in place, Valestia will Provide and Protect you. [/i][/indent] [hr] [h1]Welcome. [/h1] From brand new migrants to those coming off the productive working age, even the reformed. We welcome you with open arms. No one is more happy to see you here. [hr] [b][i][u]Please Proceed to sorting and documentation. If you have your current ID Neck tag please proceed to line 1. Youth without a neck tag head to line 2. Visitors to line 3. All immigrants and reformed please proceed to line 4. Thank you for your time. [/u][/i][/b] [/center] [center] [hr] [h2]Law book Simple edition.[/h2] [hider=Laws set 2.0] It is against the law to; do the following. Kill or physically harm another Human.( Such as in Cases of Rape and Murder) Verbally or physiologically Abuse another human. ( Harmful Stalking falls under this case) Damage or Vandalize public or private Property Enter the Dividu Building without a pass. Receive or give payment, not on the CAS. Steal or replicate A CAS or/and ID Tag. Fake information on a CAS or/and ID Tag. Steal food, materials or data from any source. Discriminate against another human on the basis of Race, Gender, Sexuality, Former experience or private religious beliefs for any job opportunity, military programs, or club acceptance. Specific Cases can be brought to Court if deemed unfair. Sell or buy stolen food, materials or data. Sell or Buy products, food, or materials or data without the use of a CAS. Collect the profits of a purchase to your own CAS Employ a Child under the age of 18 for jobs that are not suitable by the guidelines for child labor. Hack into any server in order to steal, cause public havoc, or for any other nefarious reasons. To avoid paying taxes for any reason other than hospitalization. Set up or be part of establishments of religion that push themselves in public eye. Push your religious beliefs upon another. [/hider] [hr] [hider=General Rights of Citizens] [b]General.[/b] All citizens have the right to: do the following Have personal(nonshared) religious beliefs, or lack there of. Say what they want when they want as long as it does not threaten the health or vitality of another human or the city. Distribute information and opinions without fear of government interference. Peacefully Assemble in protest of actions. Marry another agreeing citizen over the age of 18. Have opinions on matters that disagree with others opinions Have Privacy from government watch in their own home and/or private places [b]Court & Prisoner Rights.[/b] A Speedy Trial, no charges will be held in court for longer than absolutely necessary. An Attorney to defend you. To see who has pressed charges against you. Search and Seizure must need a warrant [/hider] [/center]