Fiiiiinally finished it! [hider=Ethan Sartiel] [b][u]Name:[/u][/b] [indent] Ethan Sartiel [/indent] [b][u]Race:[/u][/b] [indent]Human[/indent] [b][u]Class:[/u][/b] [indent]Adept[/indent] [b][u]Age:[/u][/b] [indent]23[/indent] [b][u]Sex:[/u][/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b] [indent]Ethan is a relatively short human, standing at 5'7 and appearing quite thin and almost malnourished at first glance, although he is considerably stronger than he looks. He has messy, straw coloured hair that is cut haphazardly to keep it out of his eyes, with said eyes being a light shade of blue, slightly larger than normal and often somewhat bloodshot due to him often forgetting to sleep. His skin is slightly paler than normal, and this, coupled with all the aforementioned things gives him an appearance of being unwell or sick. In reality, his only problem is that he rarely sticks to the recommended daily calorie intake for biotics (he finds their military issued energy drinks revolting) , which is what causes the malnourished look. Everything else is simply because he does not care about his appearance and Ethan only change that if specifically ordered to. Its often commented that he would be quite good looking if he bothered to take care of his appearance. [/indent] [indent] [b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b] [hider=Backstory] The child who would eventually change his name to Ethan Sartiel was born on the planet Benning (which would eventually be attacked by Cerberus many years later) to a pair of married criminals, who would deal with the gangs that were scattered across the heavily populated cities of the planet. Most of the time, they would smuggle and sell arms and narcotics, but when his mother was pregnant with him, they were exposed to some element zero that they were planning to sell to a group of terrorists in the southern hemisphere. (its never been confirmed, but he suspects they were a Cerberus front). His mother did not know of her pregnancy, and was unaware of her childs exposure to the element zero H He lived a relatively happy life for his first eight years, not really thinking about all the strange feelings he had. He didnt know that he had the potential to be a biotic, but even if he did, he woouldnt have cared as long as he could stay with his mum and dad. As you can imagine, this ended poorly. A deal with the same group they sold the element zero to went horribly wrong, and both his parents were killed by assassins. They were after him too, but he managed to escape after shis biotic powers manifested themselves in a force that flung an assailant out of a window to his death. Shocked by his abilities, and knowing he had no one else to turn to, being unaware of any of his parent's contacts, he made his way across the city to an alliance outpost, and surrendered himself to them in return for some storehouse locations that he had found out about before escaping. The alliance were delighted with what was found in the storehouses, and even more delighted to find that the child that had come to them had biotic potential. It didnt take much persuasion to make the youth agree to undergo training, as he was completely unsure what to do with his life and becoming a one man artillery piece sounded appealing. He was moved to the ascension project, and proceeded to excel in almost every test they set him. He would have been given a frontline position, but there were concerns in the higher ranks about his mental stability. He did not get on well with other students, treating them as little more than irritations and concentrating on refining his biotics, to the point where he sometimes forgot to eat and sleep. The overseers of the project had very little idea what to do with him. On one hand, his biotics were incredibly powerful, and those would be needed if some of the reports from Commander Shepard turned out to be true. On the other hand, he worked very badly with people, seeing them as beneath him, and he showed such pleasure in fighting (although he worked well to hide it) that a few overseers believed that he showed psychotic tendencies. Sovereigns attack on the citadel solved that choice, and he was moved around various combat zones guarding human colonies, before he was attached to a unit working with an asari commando force fighting cerberus forces on Ontarom. His first taste of real combat seemed to fix the working badly with others problem, although he was still considered to be acting somewhat superior outside of battle. For this reason, he got on surprisingly well with the asari commandos he was working with. One of them even gave him a commando blade, after he saved her life by killing a Cerberus phantom by biotically slamming him twenty times against a wall. (although the commando in question could have sworn he was clearly dead after the first five) The operation continued, with Ethan even managing to destroy a cerberus gunship by having a sniper put a hole in the cockpit, which he would then shoot a flare through to destroy it from the inside out. However, cerberus still took its toll, wiping out 70% of his unit, with the major in charge being killed by a cerberus sniper on the final push. Finally though, the last cerberus complex was taken, with Ethan himself tossing their commander off the top of his command center. Although his surviving teammates still didnt like him, they and the asari commander were impressed by his skills to give him a commendation, and he was eventually moved onto the fleet attempting to retake earth. He joined the attack on London, only for both his arms to be broken by a reaper brute, forcing him to spend the rest of the war (which wasn't long) in a makeshift field hospital. This is something that has always pissed him off, as he wanted to fight alongside that Shepard fellow that he had heard so much about, conveniently forgetting that almost the entire force with Shepard was wiped out. Since his recovery and despite being promoted to lieutenant, he has been able to do very little, with a detour to his old home planet of Benning to help wipe out any more Cerberus forces being the only interesting thing he has done. He found peace to be incredibly boring, only to find out that his skills and ruthlessness had not gone unnoticed. He was given an...offer, by a spectre, and accepted without even giving it any thought. [/hider] [/indent] [b][u]Psyche Profile:[/u][/b] [indent]Ethan, at first glance, does not seem like he would fit in with the military at all. He is incredibly quiet, to the point he will go days without saying anything if no one directly asks him a question. He does not seem to understand normal social cues, and Ethan often reply with blank looks when confronted with them. There are plenty of whispers in the military that his behavour is caused by a botched biotic implant causing brain damage, but in reality, this has nothing to do with it. He is just quiet, awkward and even slightly shy, and dousnt really care what anyone else thinks of him. If someone was to persevere, he might open up to them, but so far, he is happy to be on his own. He is perfectly capable of communicating properly while in the field though. He takes combat completely seriously, to the point of almost seeming like a completely different person while in it. Although he acts like he does not care for the wellbeing of his teammates, he will attempt to help if he sees them in trouble, and will not leave someone behind. However, he does have an extremely violent streak if forced into a pitched battle, where he will violently launch biotic strikes on his opponents, with little regard for his own safety or anyone else's. He does not show any visible glee while doing so, but internally, he is having the time of his life. Finally, he might not look it, but is INCREDIBLY arrogant when it comes to his biotic abilities, and will get extremely angry if anyone insults them in any way whatsoever. Secretly, he believes that his biotics are all that make him what he is, and without them, he would be nothing. He constantly strives to make them more powerful, and if he sees another biotic on the battlefield, he will instantly attack them to prove he is stronger. This has not caused any problems yet, although this has caused a lot of problems with his superiors. [/indent] [b][u]Specialty:[/u][/b] [indent]His only speciality, and the only reason that the alliance even wanted him around is his monsterously powerful biotics. Most of his abilities revolve around directly destroying everything in his path as quickly and violently as possible, a role that he greatly enjoys. He often uses his powers to provide covering fire and area denial for his teammates, although he isnt very good at controlling his shots, and can even hit his own side if he isnt careful.[/indent] [b][u]Powers/Skills:[/u][/b] [indent] Flare Warp Throw Shockwave Singularity Annihilation Field Biotic Mastery [/indent] [b][u]Equipment and Resources:[/u][/b] [indent] -M-77 Paladin Heavy Pistol- -Light Hydra armor- [img][/img] -Asari commando blade (given to him by a commando on Ontarom)- -l-5x biotic implant -Omni Tool [/indent] [indent] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [hider=Sample Post] "Corporal! Wake up! Ethan snapped out of his daydream instantly, his eyes flicking open to see the face of an angry looking asari, who's hand was raised, almost as if she was about to slap him. She had been made the de facto leader of their team at this specific moment, ever since the sargeant had been killed in the last firefight. Part of him wondered if he should try and refine his biotics to use barriers on his allies. A larger part of him chastised himself for not using his biotics to kill people faster. After all, a good way to protect your team was to kill everything shooting at them. But no, he had to act as "Support" What the hell did that even mean? He felt a hand strike him across the face. He hadn't realized that he had started daydreaming again, and the Asari had taken steps to prevent it. "Get the hell up! We are getting reports from the other side of the cerberus compound! We need to move before they start dropping bombardments on us!" Ethan shook his head as he got to his feet, the rest of the nine-strong team checking their weapons and preparing for the assault. He didnt even bother to look at his pistol, instead cracking his knuckles and working out a pain in his back from sitting on the hard surface daydreaming. The compound itself, as far as intel could find out, had been here long before cerberus moved in. Therefore, it didnt have a great deal of defences yet. Most of the infantry had been sent out to face the strikeforce, and in theory, there was very little left, which would be holed up inside. The other teams moving in would take their respective sectors. theory. "Move in!" The team moved out of cover, Ethan staying at the back as he was ordered, although he did feel the need to mutter a few swear words under his breath as he did so. They kept low, moving towards the fence. Ethan kept his biotics ready, preparing to obliterate the first assault trooper to see them. And waited some more. And then some more. They got to the fence, the base still looming over them. They hadnt even heard a single shot being fired. Had the other teams suceeded in getting the base undetected? That sounded unlikely, especially considering who they were fighting. Two of the asari looked a little puzzled as well. They had more than expected a firefight on getting to the compound. Hell, Ethan didnt even expect half of their team to make it in. One of the other soldiers checked the fence for traps, then began to cut through it. Ethan half expected the soldier's head to explode from a hidden electric shock or something, but he was left ever so slightly disappointed as a hole was cut open, large enough for the team to steal through. "Cerberus has some shit security." one asari exclaimed as she went through, followed by the rest of the team, followed by Ethan, who was desperately trying to avoid looking as bored as he felt. This entire mission had been a shitstorm from the start, and finally, at the end, he couldnt get a decent fight? Hell, he couldnt even remember why the alliance wanted this fucking rock in the first place! They kept low, moving onto a walkway. They noticed several assault troopers patrolling on other walkways, but they kept hidden until they had passed. Ethan stopped, starting his omni tool and poking at it for a moment. "Sargeant, the other teams are moving into several sectors, correct?" The asari turned to him, looking irritated. "Yes. If you had bothered to listen to the briefing..." Ethan held up his hand to shut her up. "Good to know. So why cant i raise them? The team stared at him dumbly for a split second, before instantly checking their own omni tools. They couldnt get anything either. Several of them swore. "Maybe they are still attempting to infiltrate?" said one "You saw what the security was like, it was a joke! They cant still be trying to get in!" said another. "Maybe they have already mostly evacuated! I mean, we did push them all the way back here!" [color=ed1c24]"Or maybe, we let you."[/color] The team looked up, before two yellow whip-like weapons smashed into the floor, crushing one asari completely and sending the entire team flying. Ethan managed to get his barriers up, causing the shockwave to only knock him a few meters. One of the other humans wasnt so lucky, his broken corpse lying at the foot of a nearby structure, a red stain marking where he had smashed into it. Ethan fired his pistol in the direction of the attacker, a Cerberus operative in black and yellow armor, with two yellow lashes attached to his wrists. The shots missed, but the operative ducked slightly, which was enough for Ethan to get to his feet and launch a shockwave straight at him. The dragoon was knocked backwards against a wall, stunned for a moment. This stunning was all Ethan needed to get close, grab his face and biotically smash it against a wall, completely crushing the dragoon's skull like a grape. This was like breaking a spell. Instantly, an alarm let out a piercing whine across the complex, and Ethan could hear shouting and gunfire outside, as the surviving members of his squad opened fire on the cerberus soldiers on the lower walkways. Ethan strolled out, a small smile on his face as he launched a singularity at a team of troopers taking position on a higher walkway, watching them slowly float up. He could have let them fall, but... Concentrating, he fired a flare up into one of the floating troopers. The unstable field, and the natural destructive force of the flare utterly annihilated the trooper, his squad, and heavily damaged the walkway. With barely constrained delight, Ethan watched it tear free with a scream of tortured metal, to land a few dozen meters below on several cerberus troopers who had just come out of the main building. It was a nice but minor victory, and Ethan couldn't help but be reminded of the latter when he noticed another squad simply take the place of the one that was crushed. He also noticed a few phantoms and more dragoons around, and he could swear that he could hear something big and mech sounding moving around the other side of the building. Things were about to kick off, big time. [/hider] [/indent] [b][u]Notes[/u][/b] [indent] Despite his...oddness, Ethan is capable of being attracted to people, and identifies as straight, being attracted to almost any race, with turians and quarians being preferred. He rarely notices people flirting with him, with one former squad mate commenting "He wouldn't notice even if you were dropping hints the size of a dreadnought". Thanks to this, he hasnt been with anyone. Secretly, this irritates him a little. He has very little idea what an actual relationship is. Although his biotics are incredibly powerful, he doesn't quite get the concept of restraint. He does not show it, but in battle he is as vicious enough to make a Krogan battlemaster say "Bit much" , and takes utter glee in watching his opponents blasted to pieces, thrown to break every bone in their body and other biotic related unpleasantness. It will usually take a direct order to get him to stand down, and even then, he will probably sulk for the next hour or so. Also, due to his reckless biotics use, he has a habit of overexterting himself and getting incredibly tired, especially if he is using flare a lot. Once, he fired so many he ended up fainting afterwards. This hasnt taught him a thing. [/indent] [/hider]