[center][h3][color=0054a6]Jehan de Challon[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] A new group of orcs came then, before much else could be said. Jehan turned to face them and lowered his visor once again, readying himself. One axeman, though it was to be said it was no small axe. One halberdier and one spearman with a shield. All of them were better armoured and moved in a manner that suggested it was more of a unit then the earlier wave had been. The spearmen moved in front, supported on his right by the axeman and left by the halberdier. That meant, if someone could get in close on their left and deal with the halberdier, which would be easier if you got close, the other two would be easier to deal with. [color=0054a6]"Focus on the halberdier, press him, get close kill him. Henri and I will keep the axeman and spearmen busy."[/color] Jehan said, as he rotated the poleaxe. The hammer would be far better for the armoured orcs that were coming at them now. The orcs came at them together, seemingly having a similar plan as the spearmen and axeman attacked together, forcing Jehan and Henri back. Blows were delivered by both sides as the melee continued, but none of them caused any real harm. The axeman swung again, aiming at Jehan's head, but Jehan knocked it aside and swung his poleaxe, but changed target to the spearman as Henri forced the spearman to defend his legs. The poleaxe's hammer connected with the side of the orc's helmet, sending the orc sprawling. If not dead, knocked out or stunned. The axeman was already swinging his weapon again as Jehan turned to him and was barely able to raise his weapon in time to deflect the blows. But he was unable to recover as the orc simply kept coming, swing after swing and Henri's spear not doing anything to deter him. Jehan tried to attack once again, knowing he could not defend forever, only for the orc's axe to hit his breastplate and send him staggering backwards. He recovered to find he had dropped his poleaxe, or perhaps the orc had grabbed it, he was not sure, it all happened so quickly. On instinct he drew his sword from its scabbard and saw how Henri swung a sword at the orc, only to have it do nothing as the orc brought his axe up and then down in one quick movement. Henri went down with a scream. He heard the orc laughing, as he raised his axe again. Before the axe fell, Jehan was back into the melee, gripping the blade of his longsword with his left hand. He feinted a stab to the right before he buried the point of his sword in the orc's throat. Though it must only have been a superficial wound as the orc kept going, forcefully pushing him back and raising his axe again. Jehan gripped his sword tighter, knowing Henri was either dead or slowly bleeding out just next to him. He wanted to turn and save him, to drag him back from this loud, smelly and tiring business that was a melee. But no, he could not do anything, not yet at least.