[center][hider=Zam Zar] [hider=beholder form][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HVHEDP4IUhQ/VbsKIPnxtSI/AAAAAAAAE6U/TLsm-g95U44/s1600/245beholder5emm.jpg[/img][/hider] "I've got my eyes on you" [hider=human form][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/64/0a/ea/640aeae74e516e7becad30c1cbc454f9.jpg[/img][/hider] Full Name/Nicknames: Zam Zar Zor or Z.Z. for short. Gender: male Age: who cares, I live for centuries Kaiju Size: 65 meters Race: Kaiju beholder Faction: mutants Personality: Zam Zar is very calculating and uses his brain over brawn. He is very overconfident and believes that his intelligence and powers can get him out of any situation regardless of the danger. Zam Zar is always thinking and calculating possible scenarios in his head for how he should formulate his plans. He is rather selfish and will mainly help others if there is some benefit for himself. Independence is very important to him and he hates being under the command of others. He considers himself a realist and will adapt to the situation at hand to ensure chance of success or survival. History: Zam Zar was born thanks an alien substance mutating life in the oceans and creating his species the Beholder. From the moment he was born Zam Zar has always been good at manipulating others to do his work and move his plans for power grabbing in the world. having to compete with other powerful kaiju always made it difficult for him to keep his plans going smoothly and he has on several occasions had to become a temporary ally to the earth defenders when a greater threat to his ambitions came to earth. His human form makes it easier to move about in the human world and pull some strings in the back round. He currently is a wealthy entrepreneur and rare items collector. He uses this identity to help keep his eyes open and pick up on as much information as possible. As a Beholder Zam Zar has been in many fights with other Kaiju when the need has arose and even though he is a manipulator, Zam Zar will not back down from fighting a stronger opponent. Powers/Abilities: Eye rays: Zam Zar can shoot a multitude of rays out his eyes and each with their own specific effect. When he fires off one or multiple rays at a time he must wait several seconds before he fire off another. Concussion ray: This beam of energy is made up of concussive force, which blast away objects with great destructive power. Paralyze ray: when this attack hits it can temporarily paralyze a target for ten seconds. Flame ray: he can shoot torrents of extremely hot flames from his eyes. If he pours more energy into the attack then the flames turn black and are more hotter than before. Lightning Ray: Zam Zar shoots bolts of electricity from his eyes that can electrocute targets. Telekinesis: since he doesn't have limbs, Zam Zar uses telekinesis to fly and pick objects up with his powerful psychic abilities. He can also use this power as form of defense. Teleportation eye: his center eye creates a hole that he can use to teleport to a different place. This ability is only for travel and out of combat purposes. Thought Shield: Zam Zar's mind is incredibly resistant to psychic attacks and mental abilities. Mind readers have described encountering what is like a diamond wall when trying to pry into his mind, and he is able to counterattack when mentally assaulted by psionics. Shape shifting: he can shape shift into his human form Other:[/hider][/center]