[color=fff200]I could take a page out of the Accel World anime playbook and have everyone installed with neurolinker technology at birth. They learn silently, but really, only the Progenitors know WTF is in the neurolinker programming. For copyright and RP reasons, I'd also think we should invent a new name for the neurolinker device in question. Perhaps this device is a sort of mask or implant that acts as makeshift lungs, but it has the counter that counts how many words you've spoken? When you reach the ten thousand word limit, the mask or implant emits some kind of chemical or shock that instantly kills you. NOTE: I would have to disable everyone's ability to communicate via thoughts or neural link though. That would definitely NOT be in the spirit of the RP. Telepathy OP [/color] [@TheUnknowable] I like this idea. The Progenitors should probably specialize in some form of bioengineering. There could be a page pulled from Divergent and Brave New World where there is some other sort of societal tier structure. Perhaps a simplified version where the people in the apartment high rises, who don't usually have as much to offer as the farmers, differ from their farmer counterparts mentally? In my head, the Progenitors are a cross between the Divergent Erudite faction and the Brave New World scientist people, at least in casual appearance. Maybe there is also a way to set the Progenitors even further above the common people mentally? Perhaps there is some sort of reward for speaking your mind? The idea in my head is that the Progenitors, and most people, are pro-speech because they consider it living life to the fullest. Only the Tacuit Autem are truly ANTI-speech. (If there was a resistance group to develop though, I'm pretty sure it would develop separate from the Tacuit Autem since I've already stated that the TA are "total pusses". However, like Firefly, I don't see why a resistance or rebel group looking to expose the Progenitors of something couldn't have a couple former members of the Tacuit Autem among them. EDIT: [@BrokenPromise] I like the song idea. That's a very interesting premise. How complicated a song are we talking here? Like Twinkle Twinkle Star and Yankee Doodle, or something more complex? Maybe something comparable in length to Katniss Everdeen's "The Hanging Tree?" And considering how I WANT there to be a resistance group formed against the Progenitors, the latter has to have quite a bit of control so as to make some of your charries displeased with the way things are run. The system is DESIGNED around flaws TO be flawed if that makes any sense. [@TwelveOf8] Really? Just "Lily?" as in her name? Surely you can spare more than just ONE word even in their world lol. "Lily, I love you" would be perfectly fine in my opinion. (Damnit, now I want a love story! :( )