“Can we skip the introductions till later,” Drake yelled as the new girl seemed to appear from thin air. He emptied his clip of rocket bullets into the massive creature, but they did nothing but aggravate it. He ejected the clip as a second appeared above his watch. He took it and jammed it into his sniper rifle and yelled, “Anyone what to let me in on how to take this fucking thing down?!” Drake aimed and fired more of his rocket bullets into Walpurgisnacht. He hoped enough of the bullets would weaken it, but it seemed none of his bullets seemed to even affect it. Damn it, if my bullets won’t work. Then let’s try something else Drake thought. Drake placed his sniper back on his back and lifted his open palm towards Walpurgisnacht. Lightning began to swirl around him as it began to crackle and small sparks scattered around him. He winced and used his free hand to grab his arm to keep it steady as more and more lighting began to swirl around his body. The lightning began to gather in front of his open palm as it crackled and burnt the air around it. a smile formed on his face as he screamed, “ Eat this: Railgun Storm!” a massive lightning bolt shot from his hand and soared towards Walpurgisnacht. The massive crackle of thunder that followed shattered the buildings windows. The lightning bolt then shattered into millions of smaller lightning bolts that continued their path towards Walpurgisnacht. Drakes arm fell to his side limp as small sparks of lightning swirled around it.