L0-K4 trundles forward. In spite of his unassuming size, the droid's durasteel reinforcing makes each movement a lumbering action. The load compensators in his legs whir softly as he steps forward with military precision. [color=00aeef]"With you leave, Jedi Master Sa Tomar, I wish to synchronize my library of relevant information with the Senate files from the Holonet. I desire to reaffirm all current data pertaining to our targets and destination. If you require me, I will be in Engineering." [/color] With a practiced salute, the security droid swivels deliberately towards the engineering bay. Each step caries away the gentle whirring sound. As L0-K4 arrives in the engineering access bay on this level, he interfaces with the ship's navicomputer. He begins speaking absently to it, even as he continues to ratchet in his digital requests. The engineer nearest L0-K4 picks up odd bits of a seemingly one-sided conversation about the results of a recent varactyl race. The droid makes an odd buzzing sound, almost as if it was chuckling. [color=00aeef]"...But it seemed that in the altercation, the jockey had a leg chewed off. I doubt he will get a replacement though, too heavy. He still has three more ambulatory limbs. However, I would wager that he will cease withholding rations from his mount prior to each race."[/color] Again the droid emits a cheerful buzzing sound.