[quote=@Terminal] As long as we are pointing fingers: While Doc did establish the branch that killed you due to establishing a context where Amelie did not raise a redirection orb, you had and failed to grasp the opportunity to save Kael's life by only responding with the Kael in the branch where she did react. If you had replied for both Kaels - perhaps describing how he had dodged/whathaveyou in the alternate branch - he might not have died. Interesting extenuating fact: You also explicitly responded to both branches at once in your post by having Kael react to both the redirection orb and Donny's gunshots. This created a minor paradox that was resolved by merging the two branches, creating the third pavise knight as well as transporting a Kael corpse into the current contextual reality. I hope you are all taking notes. [/quote] I was trying to resolve the pre-existing paradox by merging the two realities myself in having the gunshots occur, but without my death, before you could do so otherwise. Apparently I failed. Though...if I may ask, how exactly did such a thing create a third knight?