[quote=@Cyclone] Though it isn't canonized in the context of this refrigeration, realism with that sort of thing can be thrown out the window with the simple explanation of, "The djinn down there keep it cold." If we want crazy -150 degree weather we can have it. On that topic, I think it's important to note that natural disasters are 100% controlled by djinn and not mundane geological processes as on Earth. Even things like the wind are largely controlled by the whimsy of djinn rather than heat/pressure differentials. I like this because it allows for these spectacular and magical [s]violations of physics[/s] environments. And it keeps that fantasy feel to the RP. [/quote] Alright, so theoretically we could have -130C weather (or colder) on Galbar, due solely to the influence of the Djinni. The trouble is, the North pole is inhabited with all of Kho's trees and bears and undead, and the South pole was recently melted and is now home to the dwarves. -130C weather would outright kill any fleshy being unless it was absurdly specialised. I see no place in the natural order maintained by the djinn for such ridiculous and inhospitable temperatures, at least not outside tiny, localised pockets of sheer cold. But just as we wouldn't count an erupting volcano towards Galbar's maximum surface temperature, I wouldn't count localised, magically produced pockets of sheer cold towards Galbar's minimum surface temperature.