[Tirñea]        When Serena introduced herself Tirñea smiled and nodded in her direction, listening as she began to shed light on the reason these three had been gathered near the gates. The fact that she was a teacher caught the Piñuran girls attention, Serena and Veronica looking to be about the same age which was somewhat suprising. Perhaps Veronica was new to whatever trade they were participating in, which could explain why she was the only one in armour.        The offer to join these people was tempting, and Tirñea looked down at her map again to better grasp what traveling across the continent would be like. Though she didn't know these people in the slightest they all seemed polite and respectable, and while their destination was a mystery Tirñea knew she had to start her adventure somehow. Then there was the added bonus of being 'rewarded' should she be able to aid them in whatever their mission was, the nature of which also unknown but would more than likely be explained. It all seemed like a good idea, and worst case scenario if they turned out to be dangerous people Tirñea figured they could all be worm food.        Upon returning her attention to Serena, Tirñea was met with an empty and serious pair of eyes looking her up and down. The woman's earlier personality returned after a moment, and she continued to explain her offer by outlining the possible downsides of declining. Tirñea thought about all that had been said for a moment, then nodded to herself before giving an answer.        "I think," she began, starting to fold her map into it's compacted little square, "If you would not care that I join you, I will be happy to come along." With that Tirñea brought herself to smile again, and she quicky put her map away so she could slide her pack back on. Lastly she knelt down to retrieve her staff, pulling the cudgel upright and leaning into it a little as she stood up. "I have only just arrived at the city, so I am ready already to leave again," she smiled, letting the weight of her staff gently tilt itself back and forth in her grasp.