[Calieo] The merchant's laugh suprised the gilded knight, and she immediately took offense to her response. If it weren't for her perch atop that stone beast Calieo would have gutted her for such disrespect. Her armour left her stomach exposed, an appealing choice from a stylistic point of view, but moronic given how weak mortal flesh could be. Not wanting to allude her violent intentions Calieo kept her expression stern and unamused, waiting for a proper response from the merchant. When she did speak again, the fact that she wasn't overly concerned with currency was a bit of a surprise but beneficial considering Calieo had none. Her informal agreement to the knight's offer was of greater interest however, and brought the slightest grin to Calieo's otherwise serious visage. The merchant seemed to lack confidence in Calieo's request though, another insult, but she'd learn respect if the two were to travel together. "Doubt is for those with trivial goals in life. I know what I want and will have it, I need you only to show me where to go," the gilded warrior explained, her temper being tested again when the merchant's attention went elsewhere. While the merchant had her eyes elsewhere, Calieo blew off a little steam by raising her shielded arm and dragging the sabre through the air in line with the woman's neck. Necks were vulnerable, something she didn't appreciate about her own armour, but she'd done the best she could crafting it with all the information she could compile. Calieo lowered her arm as the merchant returned her attention to where it was deserved, and briefly thought about gutting her again now that she'd sent her rock creature off to do something. Such ideas were reinforced when the merchant drew closer, and her invasiveness had Calieo about ready to try bludgeoning her to death. The only indication of displeasure she let through was the slightest twitch of her lip, and she inhaled deeply when their faces drew close together. When the merchant didn't move away Calieo took a step back herself, bringing her new guide back to reality and eliciting another response. "The sooner we depart the better," Calieo muttered, her attention being dragged to the commotion only a short ways away.