Orisa is done! [center] [img]http://pre00.deviantart.net/8634/th/pre/i/2013/040/f/5/drell_medic_presentation_shot_by_monkibase-d5udu7x.jpg[/img] [color=f9ad81] Name: Orisa Korok Race: Drell Sex: Female Age: 29 Specialization: Medic (Sentinel) Appearance: Orisa is average height for a female Drell which is about 5'8" and she is physically strong a well as denser then a human Female or asari and weighs about 175 pounds. Most of Orisa's skin is pale green with the odd orange patches scattered about. Her normal medical outfit is standard wear for Drell Doctors on Kahje with some small changes. Background: Orisa like many Drell in recent years was born on the Hanar Homeworld of Kahje. Orisa was often raised in the presence of Hanar then other Drell, due to an agreement of her parents and their Hanar contact, that he would become a Doctor. Orisa from a young age was trained in Xeno-medicine, the Drell make for good doctors due to their agile hands and excellent memories. During her youth it was learned that Orisa had Biotic potential, while she didn't train in combatant Biotics instead she learned how to make barriers and shields with her biotics as well as learning how to use experimental combat tech to better survive a battlefield. Once Orisa finished her training to be a Xeno-biologist and medical expert, for a few years she worked on Kahje but after awhile she wanted to see the larger galaxy instead of being trapped in a biosphere she couldn't go outside of, so after convincing her Hanar Contact to end the contract, she left Kahje a week later and wondered the Milky Way Galaxy. During this time she worked in several places throughout Citadel space as well as a few jobs in the Terminus system, during this time she caught the eye of the Shadow Broker, who she helped sevrual of their agents without asking questions and only cared about getting the job done. She recently arrived to the Citadel for a supply run and then planned to go on her way looking for work, but before she could start looking for ships to go off station she got a message for a job. Equipment: Medi-Gel Containers, Omni-Tool, M-3 Predator Powers: Barrier, Tech Armor, Lift Grenades, Neural shock [/color] [/center] Also you can have Kieran talk to Orisa or Kato after talking to Nathan