[quote=@Raijinslayer] Question for the group: Can I get some recommendations for spells and creatures for my guy that would fit the lore and personality(which I'll give a brief overview of in a bit). I'm not the most well-versed in either cards or strategies, so all I'd have on hand is what I've bought, but I'd like some options to help me facilitate his character a bit better with his spell selection, rather than just random mish-mash of stuff I cobbled together. Colors would be Red, Black, and White. [hider=My Hider] As for my character, I'm going with a former member of Azorius that ended up faking his death to become one of Rakdos because he hated the stifling pressure of the laws in that guild and he felt more alive and free within the debauched crowds of the cult. In his younger days, he spent his time killing and pillaging like the rest, enjoying his new found freedom and making a name for himself as a top-notch assassin for those who had the coin and didn't piss him off. Nowadays, however, he appears to have settled for a life free from such personal dangers, having taken to the business of providing for the people in the form of managing a chain of Nightclubs, most prominent ones being in Rakdos, but he's trying to spread his influence towards the other guilds as well. He's as shrewd a negotiator as any Orzhov, and not afraid to threaten and extort those who he stands to influence, and . . . 'dispose' of those who he can't. What makes him unnerving to most people, however, is how pleasant and sane the man appears to be, and how unreadable his kind smiles and gestures are. To those who don't know him, they'd never guess he was a member of the Rakdos Cult, nor that he held higher favor within it than most. A weakness that he possess, however, is his daughter that he loves more than anything else in the world, and he wants the best life for possible. This has lead him to make deals and concessions to the one guild that he deeply despises more than anything else, Azorius, because he knows that it's the place where she'll likely be the safest. If one ever manages to capture her, then they'll have the man in their palm, as he'll do anything to keep her safe. However, that same control breeds a festering hatred, and of the few who've managed to find out about her existence and connection to him, almost none are still living, and those that do still draw breath are currently locked away in his basement,praying for a swift death that will never come. [/hider] Sorry if it's a bit half-baked, getting close to clutch time for school, so I can't offer much time to writing out this brief synopsis. [/quote] I believe I might be able to help you with this. So your in rakdos correct? Ala le carnival. Nightclubs ensure. Rakdos Cackler (your 1/1 that allows it to become a 1 mana 2/2 by unleashing its restraints like some sort of nightclub hooligan) Rakdos Charm (Show your oath to your guild!) Anthem of Rakdos. True carnal pleasure in the card. Signifying all that the Rakdos embodie. Avatar of Discord (5/3 in the air early on is insane also sets up Demigod) Rakdos feeding off blood & death - Cryptborn horror Now for some other spells ala rakdos Terminate (as hes an assassin) Curse of Stalked Prey Dreadbore Rains of Gore (Daughter hug) Cathartic Reunion (chains well with Demigod of revenge) Dark ritual; all that partying to allow for a turn 1 5/3 is pretty insane. Finally a demonic entity of the level of rakdos but not rakdos DEMIGOD OF REVENGE! (seriously I love this card) Moving on. Because he is in Mardu colours. (Red White Black) Crackling Doom - An effect removal spell that could be seen as the emboidment of red white blacks magic. Ankle Shanker - (First strike and deathtouch is really hard to block) Due to him being Ex Azorius - Martial law (and this one is black white) - Anguished Unmaking Edit: When a mage discards cards they are effectively losing memorys or entering a madness like state. So Rakdos mage going mad. Fitting.