Oh, today was a good day! A very, very good day! It had started out good when Miss Crumsby let Uwen have some of the leftover porridge from yesterday. And it got even better! Uwen then got to play with some of the village children. And then, then! When Uwen went back to the stable for his afternoon nap, he found a letter! For [i]him[/i]! He never got mail! Miss Crumsby had to help Uwen with some of the bigger words. But once he found out he would get to be a nice detective too, the biggest smile grew on his lips. There were even some gold coins in the envelope! Uwen had never had any money. He didn't even know what to spend it on, but had was happy to have it! Miss Crumsby helped him pack his sack. Uwen had a bad habit of losing his belongings, so Miss Crumsby suggested he keep his things in a sack to break the habit. And it works! Most of the time. He packed a few snacks, some baubles he was fond of, his shiny coins, and the ID card that he wasn't allowed to ever, ever, [i]ever[/i] lose. With a hug to goodbye to Miss Crumsby and a pat on the head for the horses in the stable, Uwen went on his way to the Gate. Once there, after putting a handful of cookies into his bag and thanking nice Miss Hedra, Uwen waved hello to the man sitting on the wagon. Once the man saw Uwen's ID, Uwen thought the man looked worried. When Uwen asked why the man was worried, the man said that Uwen was really big. Which Uwen was. Really big. He didn't want the man in the wagon to worry. The man in the wagon had said that Uwen was early, so Uwen told the man that he could walk to Riffraff. Uwen was good at walking, he could walk for a real long time. After patting the horses on the head and saying a cheerful goodbye to the wagon man, Uwen began his journey. _____________________________ After two and a half hours of brisk jogging down dirt roads, Uwen had reached his destination. He was a bit sleepy and a bit hungry now, but he didn't want to be late. Miss Crumsby had said that if he was late he would be in trouble, and he wouldn't get to be a detective then. Uwen didn't want to be late. Still jogging down the road to what he could see as the wagon, along with the worried man sitting on it, Uwen noticed that it was quiet. It was never this quite back home. People were always talking and singing at Miss Crumsby's inn. Never quiet. Uwen hoped that the people were okay. He hoped they would be talking soon. Stopping in front of the wagon, Uwen smiled and waved again at the wagon man! "Hello again! I told ya I was good at walking." There was a very upset looking man standing on the porch. He looked important. And annoyed. Uwen hoped he wasn't late. If he was late and the man was annoyed because of him Uwen would feel bad. There was also a girl talking to the wagon man. She was much smaller than Uwen. She seemed nice. "Uhm, I'm not late, am I? I'm really really sorry if I am." Thinking fast, Uwen opened up his bag and took out his stored cookies. Hoping to save himself from getting in trouble. "I brought cookies!"