Adeline was had been watching him closely. Her gaze trailed him slowly, trying to soak everything in. The writer in her wished desperately that she had a paper and pencil to take notes. That thought alone made her fingers twitch slightly against her side. It was going to nag at her for quite some time really, not being able to write. Especially when she was having to learn new things like what this Microwave did. The sparks off the hair pin made her brows shoot up. " Fascinating," She leaned forward slightly and looked inside of it. When she'd moved back again and he had set the bowl of food at the table she sat down slowly, sighing with relief to be off her feet. " I have never seen anything like that..." her hand hovered over the food, only a little surprised to find it was actually hot. Well, she HAD just seen it spark across metal! Of course it was hot! The red head tilted her head a little bit as he asked to see her feet. " It's not bad. Just some blisters. I've had worse in the silly shoes they make you wear to events!" Ada flapped her hand a little bit, taking up the utensil and tucking quietly into her meal with a bit of curiosity. It was delicious. She nibbled the food while he went to fetch whatever it was he was getting. Adeline obliged to put her feet in the water, wincing a little at the sting of it. " 1921. Yes," She nodded her head a little bit, " I haven't ever been really confined in my home. My father was an explorer. I traveled with him a lot after Mother passed." Her green eyes followed him lazily, " I'd be happy with something to write with, but for now I'd like to know why you're here. Where you got all this..." Adeline made a vague motion around her and took another bite.