Unmanned? Well, that was strange indeed. And actually piqued her interest. Remotely operated Frames was an innovative concept to see in practice, and [i]very[/i] marketable if she could understand it. Though that's not quite what Sparr was thinking, she was more interested in taking it apart and seeing how it ticked. It would be [i]fascinating[/i] to tinker with, if she could haul it back to base... But more immediately, she needed to look inside. Taking into account the possibility of countermeasures ([i]she[/i] wouldn't let anyone take a look inside her baby, she doubted anyone else would) she elected to approach one of the downed Racers (the one Viv finished off, to be precise) in the Matryoshka and use the damage done to pry the cockpit canopy free with its hand rather than climb out and risk getting blown to smithereens. It wasn't like she was going to do any [i]more[/i] damage to the cockpit. Lo and behold, there was no pilot; but also no way of checking for countermeasures without getting out, so she was going to leave that for when she could disconnect any power supplies. "Nothing here, either. We're going to want to bring one of these back with us." [i]At least I will.[/i] "We'll pull back when we've finished the last objective, Troy. Keep your eyes peeled, we'll be back soon enough."