[@Invader Len][@onenote][@The Errorist] Here's my CS. Let me know how it looks~ [hider=Loke Blackhardt] Name: Loke Blackhardt Image or Description: [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/52561675/large.jpg[/img] Age: 16 Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Mage or Familiar: Mage Magic Type: Known Spells: Partner: Personality: In an overall sense, Loke is a good guy. He doesn’t break the law, he regularly volunteered at his local homeless shelter, and he always got good grades. The only problem is his colossal drive for competition and a nigh insatiable want and hunger for knowledge. This has made it hard for him to make friends in the past, not like it ever really bothered him. Although friends are welcomed and enjoyed, he has found it much easier to watch from a distance and gather intelligence from his surroundings when the distraction that results from friendship is eliminated. Loke’s obsession with learning new things and obtaining information about people on the surfaces seems like nothing more than a creepy hobby, but this simply isn’t true. The true reason he is such an avid learner is that he has the deep-seated belief that knowledge is power. Why does he want so much power? It’s because he hates to lose. He grew up competing with those around him, and that grew into a passionate drive for competition. If there is even the slightest chance of something becoming a competition, Loke will be there to throw his hat in the ring. Although he hates losing, he does not fear it. He sees every loss as a learning opportunity which, in the end, will bestow him with more power. Biography: For Loke, St. Josephines Orphanage was home. He doesn’t remember his parents since they gave him away, with nothing more than a name and a blanket, when he was born. Unfortunately, because of his odd tendencies, none of the adult couples that came through the orphanage decided to adopt him, but this didn’t bother him. He was happy with the family he had with the staff acting as parental figures and the other kids as his siblings. Amongst the staff of the Orphanage and the other kids, Loke grew especially close with three of them. Mother Gertrude, Johnny Vierra, and Lily Forsythe. Johnny and Lily were, in Loke’s opinion, his only real friends. The three of them made a promise to become the best at what they do. A few years later Johnny and Lily were both adopted by the same family. It was in the orphanage that Loke began to take shape as an individual. It was here that his lust for knowledge and drive for competition was forged and grew. He was often forced into competitions with the other kids to help them pass the time. Be it from a foot race to solving riddles for a scavenger hunt. Loke at first detested the games that he was forced to play, but it eventually grew into something more. He became more driven to beat the other kids who continually surpassed him, especially in the more physical competitions. Although to this day he still has trouble with physical activities. This is mainly because he has been focusing more on his mind than his body. When Loke attended middle school, he showed strong academic prowess and showed a great interest in adventuring. He would spend every day researching the different paths he could take to achieve his ultimate goals. It was then that he set his eyes on St. Fortuna’s Academy. From that day forth he spent day in and day out training his mind and power to the best of his ability. A few years later, all of his hard work paid off. He received an academic scholarship to attend St. Fortuna’s. He was ecstatic, but he had left the orphanage for more than a few days before. A few days before he departed, all of the staff and kids from the orphanage and approached him. They gave him a gift, A golden pendant with a group picture of everyone at the orphanage. Loke, moved to the point of tears, promised to return a success and then set out on the first step of his adventure. Likes:The Orphanage, Strategy, Psychology, Tactics, Chess, Reading books of all kinds, puzzles, and information (any and all) Dislikes: Losing! Running out of things to learn, P.E., dancing, and rap music. Points: 10 (total) Proficiency:3 Intelligence:5 Athletics: 2 Misc.: Loke carries a book that has everyone he is currently observing within it. Such things as, name, body measurments, magic/ability, ect, ect. Topics that are unknown to him are left blank or marked N/A. [hider=Quiz] Quiz Answers: 1. What is your character's dream career? Intelligence Officer or Adventuring Scout 2. Your character is caught telling a lie/cheating. How do they react? Option 1: Calmly explain why lying or cheating was the only option and that there was no other way and then apologize. Option 2: If calmly explaining won’t work, create an even more elaborate lie to get yourself out of the first lie. 3. Your character finds out someone close to them has been lying to them. How do they react? Although he would be severely disappointed, he wouldn’t be all too surprised. People lie to keep secrets and he respects that. On the other hand, now that he knows there is something he didn’t know, he will dig deeper to find out what other secrets there are to uncover. 4. If your character were given $50, what would they do with it? Save it for a rainy day or send it to the orphanage. 5. Someone close to your character gives them something very important and asks them to hold on to it until they come back. However, your character somehow loses it. What do they do? Now against the clock, he'll do whatever can to get it back before the affected party finds out. If the item cannot be recovered, apologize and face the consequences. 6. Your character is given the chance to perfect any one talent. What do they choose? Hacking. Hacking, when used correctly and used for good, may be one of the few ways to obtain knowledge that may otherwise be totally inaccessible.. 7. What is your character’s favourite book or movie genre? Why? Psychological Thriller/Mystery, Loke loves to solve puzzles and tries to figure out the big plot twists before they are revealed. 8. Who does your character admire/look up to? Famous Adventureres and Strategic minds throughout history as well as the staff at the orphanage [/hider] Password: Steak and Fries [/hider]