Olivia sighed. She knew that the knight would react this way. She patiently waited for him to end his babble, fully planning on telling him that no harm has been done. Everyone, after all, has a right to his or her opinion. Or at least, that's what she believed. Many nobles, particularly her father, would not approve of her way of thinking. But just because he didn't approve doesn't mean she has to conform to their way of thinking. When the big knight pulled out a sword, the teenager took a step back, minsinterpreting the man's action as hostile. Darma reacted automatically, positioning herself between Winston and her mistress. Olivia's eyes widened when the knight sank to his knees and offered her his sword. She raised a hand and touched Darma's arm, a sign for her to step down. "But My Lady..." [color=tan]"I will be perfectly fine, Darma,"[/color] the Count's daughter assured, stepping from behind Darma and approaching the knight. Even in a kneeling position, his head still came up the same level as Olivia's. She shook her head and leaned down to lay a hand gently on his arm. [color=tan]"There is no need to kneel down to me, Sir Winston. I am not a queen nor am I a princess worthy. And there is no need to have me use your sword on you. I do not prosecute people just because they spoke their mind. On the contrary, I appreciate your candor. Thought I did not mean to keep you in the dark about who I am. I hope that now that you are aware of who I am, you will not hesitate to speak to me as freely as you did."[/color] [color=tan]"Please, stand. I do not take offense for your honest opinion of my father. Lately, I have been hearing strange things about him and as such, I would like to see for myself if any of them are true."[/color]