[center][h2]My Little pony: Friendship is Magic: The Tale of the Lost Kingdom[/h2][/center] Much have transpired in the land of Equestria, from a group of friends discovering that they are the Element's of Friendship, to one of them becoming a princess and together through teamwork save the land of Equestria from various disasters and evil minds. The Future seem bright once more... Yet who knows what lurks in the shadows?... when will the next villain strike?... when will heroes be called upon once more?. Days pass by, and then suddenly a New Story begin... but who are the heroes of our Tale?... Who will bravely go forth? Only time will tell... [hr] [hr] Appearance: Name: Specie: Age category: Gender: Cutie Mark: (If applicable) Occupation: Other: [hr] Notice -Feel free to ask questions. -Keep Ooc talk preferably in the OOC: Here -You don't have to be a pony if you don't want, you can be any equestrian creature within reason.