[@HeartlessNobody] Thank you, everything looks good now! Wit that said, you’re accepted! We’ll move your character over to the waiting list, and you can post them in the character’s tab. We’ll give you a magic style once we give you a partner. [b][u]Please do not post in the IC until you have been given a magic style and a partner.[/u][/b] And on to our next event. [center][h2][u]Announcement[/u][/h2][/center] This is a reminder that this street scene is coming to a close! You all have until [b][u]Wednesday 9:00 PM PST[/u][/b] to finish up conversations and interactions. I’m also going to be @‘ing people that either have not posted yet or have not been active in a while. [@GummyCat], [@Sailorsadie] Also, if anyone feels like they want to drop, or may need to drop in the near future, [b][u]now is the perfect time to do so![/u][/b] It’s much easier for us if you do so before the bonds are made, so we can spend the time we have before the scene change shifting partners rather than reassign them right after the ceremony.