[quote=@Hostile] [@Lugubrious] Here's mine. [hider=Gaben's Chosen] [center][h1][color=44d62c]Mountain[/color] [color=ed1c24]Dew[/color] [color=fff200]Quickscope[/color][/h1][/center] [color=FF8C00][b]Name[/b][/color]: Mountain Dew Quickscope [color=FF8C00][b]Alias[/b][/color]: Gaben's Chosen [color=FF8C00][b]Race[/b][/color]: Human [color=FF8C00][b]Sex[/b][/color]: Male [color=FF8C00][b]Class[/b][/color]: Trickshotter [color=FF8C00][b]Equipment[/b][/color]: Mountain carries much equipment with him, and it is normally stored on his person. [list] [*] [color=FF8C00][b]Dragon Lore AWP, the Dewrito[/b][/color]: The fabled AWP in its final form. Blessed by Lord Gaben himself, this is a weapon of true power. In addition to the legendary stopping power of a stock AWP, the dragon spirit inside the rifle can propel projectiles to absurd speeds and bestow infinite range. It can fire three different types of ammo: [b]Standard, Doritos,[/b] and [b]Nokia[/b]. The [b]Standard[/b] ammo is a regular .50 caliber round. The [b]Doritos[/b] round is visually similar to a .50 caliber round, although it is coloured orange and glows. This round leaves an orange trail of spicy Doritos dust as it streaks through the air. Upon hitting a target, it explodes, sending Doritos dust everywhere, before a secondary explosive ignites the dust. [b]Nokia[/b] rounds are the most powerful of the three. They are essentially Nokia 3310s in the shape of a .50 caliber round. Thanks to the indestructible properties of a Nokia, it cannot be stopped, and has the power to destroy entire buildings. Used sparingly by Mountain as he can only hold a maximum of six Nokia rounds at any time. [*][color=FF8C00][b]KAP-40[/b][/color]: A powerful automatic pistol with a high fire rate and damage. Deadly at close ranges, ineffective at longer ranges. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Doritos Sword[/b][/color]: A one-handed sword constructed out of microscopic Doritos, with flavoured dust surrounding it. Very light, making it ideal for fast attacks. Regenerates all damage dealt to it. Can be eaten. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Illuminati Shield[/b][/color]: After defeating the Illuminati, Mountain gained this piece of equipment. It is a triangular green shield of the Illuminati, and is almost indestructible. The Eye of the Illuminati can open and fire a massive laser, although it has a lengthy charge up time and cooldown. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Mountain Dew Grenades[/b][/color]: Explosive Mountain Dew cans. Incredibly reactive and can deal heavy electric damage. [/list] [color=FF8C00][b]Abilities[/b][/color]: After becoming a Quickscope Master and Gaben's Chosen, Mountain gained numerous MLG powers. [list] [*][color=FF8C00][b]Instant Teleportation[/b][/color]: Mountain can teleport instantaneously to any location within a ten kilometre radius. The further the distance, the longer the cooldown. Short teleports of a hundred metres or less require no cooldown. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Enhanced Reflexes[/b][/color]: Mountain has the reflexes of someone playing CoD on 14 sensitivity. He can see and dodge thrown projectiles like knives and arrows. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Super Strength[/b][/color]: While not over the top, Mountain has the strength to flip a car one-handed, and can carry several dozen kilograms without effort. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Speed[/b][/color]: Mountain can easily catch up with a speeding car. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Pocket Dimension[/b][/color]: Mountain can store any object in his back pocket, including more guns, food, and even vehicles. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Illuminati Summon[/b][/color]: After defeating the Illuminati, Mountain gained the ability to summon a fragment of it. When summoned, it shoots lasers out of its eyes and constantly plays the X-Files theme song. It is a small pyramid that functions like an attack drone and follows Mountain around. [*][color=FF8C00][b]Dew Shield[/b][/color]: Mountain is surrounded by a Dew Shield, which works like an energy shield and can absorb damage. It can break after too much damage, and needs to recharge. [/list] [color=FF8C00][b]Fighting Style[/b][/color]: Mountain is mostly a ranged combatant, hardscoping from a distance. Thanks to years of trickshotting and owning noobs at everything, he has lightning-fast reflexes, which he also gained after injecting himself with Red Bull. He is a frightening mid to close ranged fighter. He is a master quickscoper and trickshotter, being able to land headshots from across the map while doing a 1080. He is also incredibly skilled with his Doritos Sword and Illuminati Shield, able to parry attacks and bash with his shield. Mountain utilises his teleport ability to blitz opponents with either his sword or AWP, dealing heavy damage. He is nimble and as fast as an ADHD kid on speed, allowing him to easily dodge relatively slow-moving projectiles such as knives or magic bolts, but not bullets. He prefers to stay at range as his rifle is far more destructive, and he is generally more fragile than other fighters. [color=FF8C00][b]Personality[/b][/color]: Cocky and confident in his abilities, Mountain is your typical MLG tryhard. He much of a trash-talking loudmouth, not afraid to vocally voice his opinions in the most offensive way possible. He loves taunting his opponents, and he often gets distracted by this. Although he isn't exactly the smartest tool in the shed, he is smart enough to plan ahead, and is highly unpredictable, moving in erratic patterns. He has a tendency to underestimate female fighters, normally yelling at them to stay in the kitchen, when he's not insulting physical appearance. Mountain has also shown to have an inability to pay attention, getting distracted and bored easily. [color=FF8C00][b]Bio[/b][/color]: Mountain was a normal albeit highly skilled gamer who loved pwning noobs with his friend Daniel Doritos Blazeit. The two of them lived in the realm of Mlgolia, where everything MLG comes to life. The sun is a gigantic Dorito, the birds are airhorns, and the seas are salty from the tears of LoL players. One day, they were approached by an old man who told them that it was their destiny to stop an ancient hacker forever because their names were written in an ancient prophecy written by Gaben himself. So they went on a dew (see what I did there?) adventure. Eventually, after accidentally shooting the old man in the face and killing Thor, they found themselves in the hacker's dimension. They then battled the hacker XxXPu55ySlay3rXxX the Destroyer of Networks and managed to defeat him. However, Pussyslayer was not beat yet, and he ran away like a little bitch, vowing to pwn their asses next time. Mountain and Daniel pursued him, gaining new weapons and defeating multiple threats along the way. Finally, after an overly long adventure through time and space and multiple universes, they managed to catch Pussyslayer. With their new weapons and powers, they prepared to defeat him once and for all. Unfortunately, Pussyslayer used the power of Ultimate Hax and very nearly defeated the two, and he almost killed Mountain until the quickscoper managed to distract him with his 500GB porn stash. Using his distraction, Mountain sliced off Pussyslayer's balls with his sword, before quickscoping him sixty-nine times. It was only then that the hacker was defeated, and order was restored to Mlgolia once more. The two, having fulfilled the prophecy, were brought to the Temple of Gaben and met Lord Gaben himself. Mountain was then granted the title of Gaben's Chosen and became the newest Quickscope Master, legendary heroes with ridiculous powers. Daniel, unfortunately, did not become a Quickscope Master as he was based around shotguns, and he failed to meet the age limit of eighteen years. He was, however, given badass new weapons and accepted into the Steam School of MLG, a prestigious trickshotting academy. Sometime later, word had gotten out that Electronic Arts, Steam and Lord Gaben's mortal enemy, was planning to unleash the tyranny of Downloadable Content and Preordered Games to the world. Mountain was called upon to stop this threat. Uniting with Daniel and several other heroes, they embarked on their quest into the heart of EA: Origin. The squad fought their way through swaths of Origin soldiers and made it to EA's headquarters. However, Andrew Wilson, the head of EA and evilest man alive, was there to stop them. He managed to defeat the entire Steam squad except for Mountain and Daniel (because they were the main characters). Mountain unleashed his True MLG form and defeated Andrew Wilson for good, ending Origin and EA forever. [color=FF8C00][b]Wish[/b][/color]: To become the greatest quickscoper to ever exist, to smoke the dankest weed in existence, and to stop the threat of hackers forever. [color=FF8C00][b]Echo[/b][/color]: In the realm of Mlgolia, there is a massive temple above the clouds. It is black and white, with flags of Steam fluttering everywhere. This is the Temple of Gaben, where Mountain met everyone's lord and saviour himself, and became the latest Quickscope Master and Gaben's Chosen. [color=FF8C00][b]Appearance[/b][/color]: Mountain wears an unzipped black MLG hoodie over a black, white, and red FaZe Clan T-shirt, with dark blue jeans fastened by a black leather belt, and black and green sports shoes. He would look fairly average if not for his AWP strapped to his back and KAP-40 holstered by his hip. His sword and shield are usually not present, as he is able to summon them at will. He has short and messy black hair and a Flymemo EACH G4000 Noise Cancelling Headset hanging around his neck. His formerly-blue eyes are now orange after getting his powers, glowing slightly in the dark. He stands at a fairly average 5'11" and has a lean build. [color=FF8C00][b]Frenzy[/b][/color]: Mountain is surrounded by a green aura, and rotating Mountain Dew crystals which render him invulnerable to damage until they are broken. The crystals shoot energy beams at targets. He can fly during this time, and he becomes even stronger and faster than before, able to block and dodge most attacks. His weapons also become incredibly powerful, such as the blade of his sword becoming monomolecular and rounds fired from his rifle travelling through the air almost instantaneously. Aside from this, he can freely teleport with no limits. His eyes also glow green. [color=FF8C00][b]Inventory[/b][/color]: [list] [*][b]Phylactery[/b] [/list] Read [i]Mountain Dew and Doritos: An Epic MLG Tale[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/156189-mountain-dew-and-doritos-an-epic-mlg-tale/ooc#post-4046597]here[/url]. [/hider] [/quote] The character is far too powerful. My wariness of Dane the Marauder's Warp was a clue that unless it's balanced out by severe limitations, I'm not a fan of teleportation, and instant teleportation where the weakest version is 100 meters is absurd to me. Superhuman strength and speed are to be expected, but your character's particular brand are too strong to be considered subsidiary powers. The strength to flip a car with one hand and the speed to catch up with a car are powers in their own right. I'm basically not okay with any of his abilities; that arsenal on its own is extremely potent. I'll be honest: I really, really dislike memey characters. I can't imagine why any of this would come across as funny, or be fun to play after the initial lolrandom humor value has worn off. Like a stale joke, I imagine the whole thing would get old quickly. However, in the sake of fairness, I'll put it aside to judge your character on balance alone. If you were to eliminate the entire Abilities section, as well as the teleportation in his Frenzy, I'll consider accepting your application. [quote=@Sentel] Here is my sheet, I hope she seems reasonable! Her portrait was pretty rushed but I really felt like the mech needed an actual image, even a rough one. [hider=The Sentinel] [b]Name:[/b] Ryan Harper [b]Alias:[/b] The Sentinel [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Class:[/b] Mech Pilot [b]Equipment:[/b] “Sentinel” - Class C Bipedal Security Mech, Refurbished >Two heavy gattling guns at each side >Heavy steel plating mounted on top of kinetic absorbers - able to withstand considerable amounts of physical damage and keep the mech standing on its feet after stronger blows >EMP Shield – weak protection against non-physical disruption of electronics (electric shocks and magnetic fields specifically) >Standard Security Radar – detects moving objects within a 50 meter radius, has a lock-on function >ShockSkin™ - a pair of electrodes at either side of the mech’s main body that when activated emit a strong electric pulse that arcs over the entire surface, shocking anyone touching it and dealing increasing amounts of damage if they aren’t knocked back or don’t pull away at a safe distance Ryan’s Utility Belt: >Mechanic’s Toolkit – an assortment of wrenches, screwdrivers, tape and similar paraphernalia. Usually most of it is left in the mech, as she doesn’t feel safe with the entre kit weighing her down outside of it, only opting for a few choice tools to carry with her in case she spots something she can use on the mech. Also includes a crowbar. >Handgun – a simple handgun with a capacity of 8 shots per cartridge. >An ancient looking CD player with a disc in it and a pair of headphones >A box of colourful chalks [b]Abilities:[/b] Outstanding mech pilot – the Sentinel is like an extension of her body, she has learned to use it at peak performance levels for its capabilities Skilled Mechanic – able to fully repair her mech if given enough time; can figure out how most machinery and electronics operate with relative ease and adapt some of it to be used in different ways (such as an upgrade to the Sentinel) Hidey Hole – although she is not particularly gifted in the physical aspect Ryan can practically stick herself in any cramped dark spot and remain there motionless and completely silent for indefinite amounts of time, making her extremely hard to find if she manages to hide before she is spotted [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Outside the mech: Ryan has zero fighting skills and is incredibly frail. Outside of her mech she will be skittish, perhaps slightly disoriented and will try to run towards the Sentinel as fast as possible while using any possible tactics to keep her attacker at bay. Despite her deadly accuracy within the mech itself she is not actually a particularly good shot with her normal handheld firearm. She panics without the shell of the Sentinel around her and is a little awkward and erratic in her movements. Within the mech: Once inside of her Sentinel Ryan seems to become a completely different person. Her movements are much more focused and anyone stupid or slow enough to remain in the way of the gattling guns is at risk of being reduced to a mushy pulp. The mech itself is decently mobile although not incredibly fast. Its waist swivels at a full 360 degrees and its bird-like legs are capable of the occasional long leap, however that risks its balance in the air and in the process of landing. [b]Personality:[/b] Ryan is a little bit strange. Very awkward and quiet outside the mech, uncertain how to handle social situations and very uncomfortable without protection. She combats this near-crippling anxiety by listening to music – [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRxofEmo3HA]a violin piece[/url] she discovered long ago which helps her focus and remain calm – and drawing with chalk all over the floor and walls whenever she has nothing else to occupy her hands with. If she doesn’t keep herself occupied she begins to panic, sometimes to the point of physical discomfort (shaking, cold sweat, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations). Once she is in her Sentinel she feels safe and confident, her demeanor almost entirely changing. Here she is a methodical person, even boasting an air of sarcasm at times. She is much more inclined to lighthearted banter or friendly interactions. [b]Bio:[/b] Ryan was born in a run-down post-war community. Organized society was nearly nonexistent – surviving only in small groups living off scraps. Their village was at constant threat by bandits and Ryan learned early on that if you don’t hide and hold your breath you may as well be dead. It stayed ingrained within her as an instinct and it never went away. She learned how to salvage machinery and electronics because it was a necessary skill to have and you couldn’t just not know something like that. She gradually found out that she had a knack for it and was soon praised by her peers and cherished by the community for her skill. A woman once gave her a large box of colourful chalk as a gift, for repairing the small heater that kept her from freezing at night. Ryan had never had such a non-utilitarian item before and she took to drawing intricate images whenever she felt uneasy. It took her mind off of things. At some point she discovered an almost intact security mech from before the war and gradually managed to get it back into working order and outfit it with several additional gadgets. They now had a line of defence. With the help of the security mech several raids were fought off and Ryan began to feel brave and strong within it for the first time since she was born. She was their guardian. Their Sentinel. Until the day her village was attacked by an army. This particular gang had managed to get their hands on an old military base and her Sentinel, although it made a fair stand, was no match for their equipment. A stray rocket took out a bearing wall off the already crumbling building that served as their shelter and crashed it on top of the lone mech and any people unfortunate enough to be around it. Any survivors were taken as slaves and all supplies were looted. Ryan awoke in a battered but still functioning mech. She managed to dig herself out of the rubble but soon after realized that she was alone in her luck. There was no one to smile at her anymore and no one to tell her not to be afraid. So with that new layer of fear lodged deep into her heart she set off to survive. [b]Wish:[/b] All she ever wanted was to not be afraid anymore. To be safe. [b]Echo:[/b] A large room, no windows, lit by fluorescent lights. The walls and floor are covered by intricate chalk drawings. A small radio in the corner plays a violin piece. [b]Appearance:[/b] A young girl, not particularly tall and looking kind of sickly. She is very thin, her skin almost transparently pale and covered in freckles. Her eyes are large, round and bright blue, sporting a pair of dark circles underneath them and the look of a startled deer. Her hair is a rusty ginger colour, vaguely wavy and looking unkempt, her eyebrows – almost nonexistent. She moves awkwardly like she isn’t sure where her limbs should go whenever they aren’t on the controls. Her walk seems hurried and skittish, like the skittering of a mouse and her stature suggests that she’s trying to make herself smaller than she is. [img]http://i.imgur.com/ncRdltx.jpg[/img] [b]Frenzy:[/b] If outside of the mech: Her limbs seem to extend, making her look ganglier than ever and her back arches down to place her on all fours. Her hair grows along the rest of her body and her nails and teeth take on a shape more akin to claws and fangs. Making her literally behave and look like a cornered beast. In this form she moves at incredibly high speeds and is very agile, able to climb walls and buildings as long as there’s a spot to hook her claws onto. She will circle the enemy trying to confuse them and make them lose her from sight, then lunge at them from cover. If inside the mech: Her body literally fuses with the mech, growing twice its size and taking it apart using it as armour. In this form she is in a state of bloodlust and will lash out viciously at her opponent, disregarding any and all environmental factors. Her strength and resilience are increased to incredible levels. [b]Inventory:[/b] Phylactery [/hider] [/quote] I'm a big fan of your application. Without any vague or overblown powers, she would depend completely on the durability and firepower of her mecha in order to win fights. Kudos for an imaginative and appropriate Frenzy. In terms of both combat and actual character, there's pretty much nothing to complain about. The one thing I would like is an estimation of the destructive ability of the Gatling guns and her pistol, though I expect that the pistol would be your standard peashooter, only really effective with headshots. Once that's cleared up, you're good to port her over into the Characters tab [quote=@Roughdragon1] [hider=The Blood Devil] Name: Saria Silverlocke Alias: “The Blood Devil” Race: Human Sex: Female Class: Sword fighter Appearance [hider=Saria][img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/b3a0/th/pre/f/2016/057/c/f/cainhurst_armor_by_xluxifer-d9t51n2.png[/img][/hider] [color=red]Equipment[/color] [color=red]The Red Blade:[/color] An heirloom passed down through countless generations of Saria’s family, and the weapon central to Saria’s fighting capability. Its true origin is unknown. However, tales told to her throughout childhood claim that it was forged by the Jogun, a race of perfect warriors, with the ore of Baskarite, a metal originating from the deepest depths of the earth. The Red Blade was their legacy. However it came to be, and whoever made it, the Red Blade seems to be nearly indestructible, withstanding the most scorching temperatures from a smith’s forge as well as seemingly repelling the strikes of a blacksmith’s hammer without the slightest scratch. Attempts to dull it have been fruitless. Strangely enough, attempts to sharpen it also have no effect. Wielded properly, the Red Blade can cut through all but the heaviest armor, even cutting through lower grades of iron and steel. [color=red]Silverlocke Armor:[/color] Saria wears head-to-toe armor composed of ordinary steel plate, blackened and custom fitted to the shapes and contours of her own body. More steel plates hang from her armor, covering the hip and shoulder joints. The armor is mostly made for intimidation and ceremonial purposes rather than practical purposes, but still functions as effective protection. [color=red]Abilities[/color] [color=red]Reactionary Quickening:[/color] Saria’s sword fighting capability stems from countless hours of brutal, grueling training designed to create a warrior worthy of using the Red Blade. This included “exercises” such as dodging and deflecting lethal projectiles from all different directions, blindfolded. She learned to not just use her sight in battle, but sounds and instincts. Combined, Saria possessed the reaction speed and precision of a warrior. [color=red]Enhanced Strength:[/color] Saria not only needed to keep up with the rest of her siblings in terms of speed, but also in strength. Even though she was a girl, she was required to fight her brothers as well as her sister in order to become worthy of the blade. She seldom won against her brothers in hand-to-hand combat, since they possessed much more brute strength than she did, but to the average person, she is a bear in a woman’s skin, capable of extraordinary feats with the use of her strength alone, such as throwing people twice her weight over her shoulder, or caving in bones with her bare handed strikes. [color=red]Blood Blade:[/color] Saria is connected to the Red Blade in more ways than one. Sure, it is an heirloom bestowed upon her with the highest honor of the Silverlocke family, but per tradition, Saria was cut with the blade, imbuing her blood with the sword for the first time. From then on, she had become the only one in the world who could tap into the blade’s true power: Blood. Through the imbuement of her own blood, a crimson coat covers her sword, effectively sharpening it even further by using her own life force as a blade. Of course, this has a negative effect. The use of her own blood as a blade slowly drains her strength, and could kill her if left unchecked. [color=red]Pain Resistance:[/color] Saria is no stranger to pain, and can overcome and ignore wounds most people consider “grievous” or “crippling”. However, this does not make her immortal. She is still human, after all. [color=red]Fighting Style:[/color] Perfection? Form? Technique? Elegance? Merely an afterthought. Through raw, unhinged power, Saria aims to destroy completely and indiscriminately, and this is shown through her fighting style. Saria is rarely, if ever, on the defense. During combat, she will do anything possible to get the edge in a fight, including letting opponents injure her in order to gain an advantage. Saria is a close range powerhouse. Her own unfettered rage powers her strikes, aiming to put all of her effort into physically breaking her opponent and their defenses. Fighters who use ranged attacks or sorcery infuriate Saria, since she sees combat as a purely melee-focused altercation. To her, ranged attackers and mages are cowards who cannot stomach the will to fight honorably. This style of combat does have its disadvantages. For example, Saria is weak to ranged attacks, since she cannot fight back against a ranged attacker, the only thing she can do is try and get closer to them. Also, Saria is tough, but not immortal. Attacks that slip through her defenses will hurt her, and usually, they hurt her severely. [color=red]Personality:[/color] Saria is by all means a hot-headed individual, and rightly so. From the day she could walk, she knew nothing but war. Risen by any other family, she may have had the passion for things such as the arts, or scholarly pursuits, but the Silverlocke family has effectively ironed out troublesome things such as these. The only thing left in her mind was an unfaltering fire, a will to fight, conquer, and destroy. [color=red]Bio:[/color] Raised in the Silverlocke family, Saria was one of five siblings, three of them being boys and another a girl. From the day she could walk, she was subjected to cruel punishment from her parents and her siblings alike. The reason for this abuse was to inject into her a sense of hostility and pain from the earliest age possible, and begin to kindle the flames of a warrior. However her sister, Alina, was more merciful to her than the others. At the age of five, her training began. She was taught to wield a sword, and study the one “form” of fighting shared in the Silverlocke family: Darh Krile. (Jogun translation: Death Blow). The Silverlocke style of combat focused on overwhelming opponents with pure offensive capability. She was taught to never hold back in a fight, that self-preservation was a vice, preventing her from reaching her true path as a warrior. Years passed, and her sense of self deteriorated, her only savior was Alina, who seemed to be the one compassionate voice in her life. At twelve, Saria began to “make progress”, or as her parents had put it. She began to best her brothers in combat, albeit not often. Alina wasn’t the warrior her parents wanted her to be, as she grew to be more of a pacifist. In a tragic “incident”, Alina had a large stone tied to her feet, and was told to swim across the lake nearest to their home. She never made it. Saria became filled with rage at her death, even moreso when her family seemed not to care much about it. “A good riddance,” as her parents called it. Saria began to plot her revenge, and she would become the Silverlocke heir in order to achieve it. By nineteen, Saria had struggled through years of abuse and training, her only goal was the destruction of her entire family. Her personality took a dark turn, and she mercilessly beat her brothers, as they did to her before. When she won the right to the Silverlocke armor, and therefore the Red Blade, the first thing she did was slaughter her parents and brothers, not only for Alina, but for herself. Afterwards, with her only companion being the Red Blade, she wandered the world, seeking worthy opponents to fight. Part of this was to reinforce her sense of self, her own identity, and part of it was to find an opponent she deemed worthy of killing her, to rid her of this cursed existence. Until this happens she searches still, a woman wanting to die. [color=red]Wish:[/color] Saria’s wish is to die to an opponent worth dieing to. She doesn’t know exactly who this would be, but it should ultimately be someone who has been through the same pain as her, who could best her in fair combat. [color=red]Echo:[/color] The Silverlocke lake, the place where her sister drowned under the cruel hands of her family. [color=red]Frenzy:[/color] [hider=The Blood Devil][img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/1900/f/2016/013/3/0/ameliamaria1screen2blurpix2sml_by_banished_shadow-d9ns24h.png[/img][/hider] It is said that the Red Blade contains demonic origin. From the depths of the earth it was forged, and from the depths of the earth it came to be. Therefore, a bit of demonic influence was inevitable. When Saria’s pain is more than she could handle, her sword fuses to her hands, and forcibly draws blood from her body in order to create a blood blade (Blood Blade ability automatically activated). In this state, Saria is on her last legs, and will fight purely to survive, like a feral animal. An aura of fire surrounds her, presumably an effect of the Red Blade binding to her soul. Her strength and speed is immensely increased, such that she could shatter boulders with the strength of a sword strike. This state is what earned her the nickname, Blood Devil. When she slaughtered her family, the only thing onlookers saw was her, clad in black, bloody armor, emerging from her family’s home, now in flames. [color=red]Inventory:[/color] Phylactery [/hider] [/quote] A very interesting and powerful character--essentially a classy berserker. Thinking of her skills in terms of Lady Maria's gives her potent slew of abilities a useful context. Despite the adequate protection afforded to her by her armor, I get the overall vibe of 'glass cannon', with extremely high mobility and damage but limitations on durability and range that keep her from being too overbearing. Since from a reasonable standpoint the Red Blade is a katana, however, I would be happier if it was unable to cut through metal armor, just as a real katana would be. That's pretty much it though, since in the fighting style section you gave a pretty good approximation of her weaknesses. With that done, she, too, can be moved over to the Characters tab.