Olivia nodded at the suggestion to meet with Paul the next day. Of course she will meet with him. He had, after all, invited her to share a meal with him. She wouldn't pass up a chance to spend a little more time with the object of her long standing infatuation. All the while that the two were conversing, Darma studied the knight. He was tall -- taller than all the men she knew -- muscular and no doubt strong. His face was a little frightening with the burn scars on it and she was sure that people shied away from him just by his looks alone. But her mistress seemed to have taken a liking to him and that was enough for Darma to like him too. She returned his smile and then averted her gaze, lest he misunderstood the reason why she had been staring at him. "The truth ... it begins with locating Duchess Eddithia. M'lord does not believe her to be ill and under medical care. He believes her to be banished from the Duchy by your fa-- By the Count." Why did her father tell her that she was ill and was sent to the monastery to get well? If the Duchess has indeed been banished, what had she done that warranted banishment? Was it why none of her letters have been answered? There were already so many questions in her mind. "Without drawing unwanted attention ... does m'lady think she could find the location of the Duchess and get such information to m'lord?" There was really no reason why she should withheld information that she already have. [color=tan]"I already know where the Duchess is. Grandmother was sent to Blyth Priory. She--"[/color] her words were cut short by Darma intertwining her arm with hers. "It's gotten awfully late, Iya. We should retire for the evenin' so we may have an early start for our journey back home in the morrow." Darma said in a strange accent she didn't have earlier. She turned to Winston and smiled. "We hope to be seein' you again next we visit, cousin. Tell Aunt May that Lorrie will visit her again soon," she said and then led Olivia away, her eyes darting towards several guards the teenager noted to be employed by her father. [color=tan]"Good night! It was a pleasure meetin' you, sir,"[/color] Olivia gave Winston a small wave and then cheerfully called out in the same strange accent Darma used. Both women disappeared into The Welcome Inn. --- Sophia was pleased when she saw the way Paul looked at her. It was a familiar look men gave her when they were thinking lustful thoughts about her. She had half the mind to throw herself at him and get it over with but she stopped herself. She reminded herself that this was Paul Cranston, the next in line to be Duke. She can't treat him like her usual patrons. She had to earn his trust...perhaps even his affection so that she can deliver to the Count what he wants. [color=lightgreen]"I would be glad to tell you stories of my own, my Lord. However, I am afraid that it is not much compared to yours. I am, after all, just a simple farm girl."[/color] She stepped forward. [color=lightgreen]"Now, may I help you change your clothes?"[/color]