[center][h2][color=green]Nathan Campbell[/color][/h2] [h3]2200 Hours[/h3][/center] Nathan watched Kieran with mild amusement as the other man recollected the first time they'd met, at Nate's expense of course. [color=green]"Well if I recall I got my payback and then some."[/color] At Kieran's question Nate once again arched a brow, [color=green]"Are you doing something that the Alliance would send a spy for?"[/color] Nate shook his head either way, [color=green]"I'm out...well if you count the reserves as being out. I'm in the private security business now, pays better and I can actually decline a job."[/color] There was a small shrug of his shoulders before he leaned sideways against the side of the ship and crossed one leg over the other, [color=green]"I'm just trying to find where I fit in out in the big open universe like everybody else."[/color] [color=green]"What about you Mr. Blue Sun?"[/color] He asked with a smirk, [color=green]"Being a mercenary fill that void of yours? Doesn't help your credit though, the council blew you off just like that."[/color] Nate regarded him carefully, as if trying to decide for himself if the council was right or if they'd just jumped to conclusions.