[@King Tai][@poohead189][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@Kyrisse][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][@December][@Venku] [Center][hr][hr][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Mv9IzXPwDW8/U3a_R67x3qI/AAAAAAAAANI/KRqBcMto-kw/s1600/India+Eisley+Hot+and+Beautiful+American+Teenage+Actress+girl+HD+wallpapers+%252867%2529.jpg[/img] [img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161217/2c8888ca0195e0b5044c229bfafd0204.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][h1]TRINITY Heads back to the bunker[/h1][/center] Trinity headed up to the Rabbit Hole looking a lot like an astronaut running across the surface of the moon her powerful legs propelling her in long 20 foot ground eating arcs about 6 foot high at the top of each stride. Still clad in only boxers and a sports top she lands among the people outside of her home and looks over the damage done to people and structure thinking how this could have been prevented by people taking the habits of survival a bit more seriously. [b]{Perhaps we need to address the subject and come up with coherent solutions}[/b] she thought as she leapt atop the Concrete entrance looking at those there that might object to her presence because she wasn’t a former police officer or former soldier. She had become aware weeks ago of the caste system that was forming as people depended on their authority granted by now defunct governmental entities to be all the proof of command needed to hold their positions. She was aware that among some of those in authority she was viewed with caution; even pitied and it filled her with an unfamiliar anger. It was her recognition of anger that made Trinity pause and take a spiritual assessment of her emotions and the world around her. She had begun to notice that she was experiencing a more callous approach to nature and the world around her take her recent culling of the Crocs and then how she’d flung that man as if her were no longer human……..as if she were no longer human. Certainly she had begun this journey as a human but did she really fit that mold any longer? She could carry a 40 ft. container like it was a plastic single seat Kayak, leap over 40 feet straight up and swing a half ton sapling like a broom handle. Then there was the obvious change to her body evidenced by her freakish weight which depressed her and added to her anger. There it was again “Anger” and it’s cause a mystery. Sure she had reasons to be angry but not like this; She was contemplating how she’d like to find those responsible for all this pain and see how far she could throw them and she didn’t intend it figuratively. [b]{Maybe its my hormone levels, I mean just how much beyond the obvious have I changed?}[/b] So it was that she settled down and sat in lotus position in her self appointed guard post to examine herself as she had been taught by her Guide/Teacher in her particular path.