[center][h1][color=0076a3]Kieran Hishamie[/color][/h1][/center] [hider=My Hider] [img]http://img.gawkerassets.com/post/9/2013/02/threedsquid.jpg[/img] [/hider] [@tal0n][@necroknight][@aquaazura][@heckno12][@crono] [center][h1] conversation with Kato'Reigan Nar Rayya [/h1][/center][@aquaazura] "I wasn't wearing a helmet so I do have any kind of helmet cam footage to show you but I can descsribe the battle and fighting the Geth to you." Kieran could almost visibly see the scene before his eyes, thinking back to the Invasion on Eden Prime. He could almost fee the heat, could almost choke on the smell from the smoke, and could hear the cries of terror from the civilians that he could not save. "It was.....well intense isn't the word that should be used. Focused sounds better. The Geth fought like a well oiled machine, even better then a team of fighters that worked together for years. While each Geth unit fought like a single soldier, every squad of Geth I fought acted in unison and covered each other. I won't say they hid each other's weaknesses but where one Geth was open, another would willingly be instantly covering that weakness. I mean unless they believed they won. That's a fault of theirs. If they think all enemies are dead they let down their guard immensely. Or surprise attacks work the same way. But once you engage a squad, you have to be ready to fight hard and fast." Kieran clenched his fists. "They were merciless that is for sure. They would target civilians near me so I would drop my guard and or leave myself open to protect them. So many died......but I saved as many as I could and that's what matters." Kieran unclenched his fist but still stayed tense. Eden Prime was an unpleasant memory for him. "What weird to me is they used fighting abilities and techniques that regular soldiers and fighters do. I expected regular gunfire, but they used tech skills I didn't think they could use. They used them so fast and accurate sometimes I thought there was some hidden human enemie." [center][h1] 2300 [/h1][/center] [center][h1] Conversation with Orissa Korok [/h1][/center][@aquaazura] Kieran made his way down to the med bay, after hours passed since the group first got together in front of the ship, and found the new Drell addition. Kieran learned against the door to the med bay. "Hey doc, just wanted to check in and see if you've settled in alright." [center][h1] conversation with Nathan Campbell [/h1][/center][@crono] "Well we are hunting a council specter that the council believes is innocent and beloved that I believe is rogue. Using the infamous Shadow Brokers intel. So I mean yea I maybe believe the council is paranoid enough to send a spy. Although now that I think about it no way your a spy. That would have meant that the council got off its ass and reacted in a short amount of time. I mean it's only been a few hours since it went down." Kieran shrugged at Nathan's last comment. But spread his arms as he gestured all around him. "Well I ended up filling the void with my own ship and crew so I think I'm doing ok right? Honestly I just wanted more adventure, to travel more, to see more. I wanted less red tape and more free space and being a mercenary gave me everything I wanted plus more. Trust me, that little paycheck the alliance gave us is nothing next to merc pay. Granted no retiremnet plan but hey something had to go for such a huge pay increase." Kieran rubbed his beck and scowled. "And f**k the council man. I mean yea I get why they chose to not believe me, but just being a mercenary shouldn't have been enough to discredit me. I was there in the heat of battle on Eden Prime. Where were the alliance soldiers or any other military when people were dying from Geth? And hell we don't even know what a reaper looks like or what it is, all we know is from stupid symbols carved in stone and my visions that make no sense." Kieran gave Nathan a thumbs up. "But it doesn't matter. I know what we need to do, somewhat, and the Shadow Broker has given me the tools to do so. We will take down Saren and whatever he works for and if we are lucky maybe we will be able to take down the Geth too." [center][h1] Conversation with Rukt [/h1][/center][@heckno12] Kieran walked up the mighty Krogan and soaked in his appearance. He was a fearsome Krogan indeed, much larger than most Krogan he has met in the past. Truthfully he was glad he was on their side, having to fight son of a gun would be a fight of a life time. "[color=0076a3]I just wanted to come down and meet you, although I wasn't sure as to what I should say honestly. Most of the time when I meet a Krogan its on the battlefield and I am literally emptying every clip I have in my handgun.......anyways My name is Kieran.[/color]" Kieran held out his hand to shake.